Page 5 - 2021 Winter Conference
P. 5
-1:50 PM
301: The New “Rs of Education” 302: Student and Staff Confidentiality
Back by request! Near the beginning of the 19th CONFIDENTIAL—What can and cannot be
century, the “3 Rs of Education” was born; orig- disclosed from student, staff and other records
inally referring to “Reading, wRiting, and aRith- of your District when requested through a pub-
metic.” In today’s day and age, districts have lic records request, a parent, subpoena or oth-
new “Rs” to deal with as it pertains to critical er request. This presentation will focus on the
district records: Retention, Regulation, Risk, types of data maintained by Districts—what is
and Requests...and, thanks to 2020, the Rona! confidential and what is public information, how
If records management isn’t being done optimal- it can be requested and by whom, when you can
ly, there are real costs to the districts as well as charge for the information and when to call your
some potential liability consequences. We will school attorney.
discuss these costs and risks, how to assess
your current records management processes, Speakers: Carrie O’Brien - Gust Rosenfeld
and strategies to improve them, regardless of & Patricia Kennedy - Dysart Unified School
what stage your district is at with records man- District
agement. Track: Business Administration
Speakers: Erica Gentile - ICM Document
Solutions & Linda Virgil - Peoria Unified School 304: Request for Quotes Enhanced:
District Utilizing the RFP Procurement
Track: Accounting
Method for Written Quotes
303: 2020 School District Financial Taking written quotes to a new level! Develop a
Risk Analysis Written Quote Request solicitation using a simi-
lar process to a formal Request for Proposal to
The Auditor General’s Office released its first seek comprehensive proposals that are to be
School District Financial Risk Analysis. In this evaluated on a criteria that includes other factors
session, we’ll talk about the measures analyzed, besides cost. We will share our best practices
the December 2020 analysis results, and how and procedures to help you complete the Re-
you can use the information to focus on lowering quest for Quote from beginning to end.
or maintaining low-levels of financial risk.
Speakers: Eva Dino & Marty Topham -
Speakers: Meghan Hieger & Scottsdale Unified School District
Tammy Seilheimer - Arizona Auditor General’s Track: Purchasing
Track: State/Federal Page 5