Page 4 - 2021 Winter Conference
P. 4


        11:05 AM-                  BREAKOUT SESSION 2

        11:55 AM

        201: Understanding the Tax Rate and                      202: Data Management and
                the Impact on Cash Balances                              Cyber-Resilience

        This session will include a deep dive into the fac-      The  session will explore  the  various types  of
        tors used to set the District tax rate each summer.      cyber security threats and statistics, how they
        Districts are often perplexed in how their cash          occur, and their impact on school districts.  Rel-
        balances fall into the negative or in some cases         evant state and federal statutes related to secu-
        build up excess cash.  During this session we will       rity and data privacy will be discussed  from a
        explore situations that deplete cash in the amount       compliance and awareness perspective.   Best
        greater than the levy and situations when Districts      practices and tips for  district personnel  and IT
        end up building up excess cash.  More importantly,       departments will also be addressed as well as
        understanding how a District can manage negative         how the Peoria Unified School District has begun
        cash and excess cash will be reviewed.                   to address cyber security concerns from a strate-
                                                                 gic plan and policy perspective.
        Speakers: Karin Smith - Heinfeld Meech &
        Chris Young -  Santa Cruz County                         Speakers: Michelle Myers & John Gay -
        Track: Accounting                                        Peoria Unified School District

                                                                 Track: Business Administration
        203: Understanding The Single Audit

        Whether you are a seasoned professional in the Sin-
        gle Audit world or will be having your very first Single
        Audit, this session will be valuable to you.  The novel   204: Remote Audits: What We’ve
        Coronavirus resulted in the Federal government in-               Learned
        fusing ~$30 billion dollars into the education system
        over two years.  In this session we will discuss:        Learn what worked and what didn’t work while
           •   Best practices for getting through a Single Audit  doing remote audits from a district and an audi-
           •   The unique Single  Audit environment during       tor perspective. Tips and tricks to surviving the
              COVID-19                                           paperless method.
           •   How to stay compliant with Single Audit’s amid the
              ever-evolving climate
           •   Particularities related to the ESSER, GEER, ESG   Speakers: Michelle Hamilton - Mesa Public
              and other COVID-19 funds received by the District  Schools & Jennifer Shields - Heinfeld & Meech
                                                                 Track: Purchasing
        Speakers: Brittney Williams - Heinfeld Meech
        & Kimberly Dugdale - St. Johns Unified School
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        Track: State/Federal
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