Page 6 - 2021 Winter Conference
P. 6
3:00 PM
401: Internal Audit: The Best Defense 402: Managing Remote Staff
Is a Strong Offense Join this panel to discuss the various approach-
We all endure our annual compliance audits, es on how these districts managed employees
take our findings with poise, and continue down working remotely in today’s COVID environment.
the School Business Continuum. Those audits What key information was communicated on ex-
are the bellwether to alert us of issues before it’s pectations and how did each district continue
too late. But rather than reacting to compliance connecting with all employee groups. Now that
deficiencies, we will discuss strategies and tac- 2021 is here, what is the most up to date FFRC
tics to leverage audit principles to be proactive, guidelines?
with the aims of not only avoiding audit findings,
but also improving efficiencies and effectiveness Speakers: Lizette Huie - Sahuarita Unified
in accomplishing your organization’s mission. School District & Mike Barragan - Glendale
Elementary School District & Dale Ponder -
Speakers: Aaron Vix, CPA, CFE & Michael Crane Elementary School District
Vaughn, CPA - Peoria Unified School District Track: Business Administration
Track: Accounting
403: Transportation Records 404: Standardization Efficiencies:
Compliance Variety is Not the Spice of Life
When it comes to your district’s transportation Why your district should use standardization pro-
department, there are several recording keep- cesses to make your supply chain and construc-
ing entities involved. Having commercial drivers tion projects more efficient.
on staff requires federal, state, and local com-
pliance to maintain certifications and guidelines. Speakers: Roger Spivey - Litchfield
From drug & alcohol testing to training records Elementary School District & Jeff Thomason -
retention requirements to electronic file storage Roosevelt Elementary School District
rule requirements, this presentation will go over Track: Purchasing
compliance requirements if your transportation
department is audited by either the Department
of Public Safety or the Arizona Department of
Speakers: Stephanie Arbaugh - The Trust
Track: State/Federal
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