Page 7 - 2021 Winter Conference
P. 7

REGISTRATION                                                                       HOW TO

              REGISTRATION TYPE                   EARLY BIRD         RATE                REGISTER
                                                                  After January 29th, 2021  Registration is available on-
        Winter Virtual Conference Registration        $105           $115
        Active AASBO Member Rate                                                    line, both to members and
        Winter Virtual Conference Registration        $195           $205           non-members,
        Non-Member Rate                                                             at

        The Vendor/Buyer Conference and the Winter Conference on Audit              Please log in to your AAS-
        and Compliance are both to be held virtually. AASBO would like to           BO account. If you do not
        offer a discount on registration to those who register for both events.
        Registration discount will end Friday, January 29, 2021.                    have an account you will
                                                                                    need to create one.
        Vendor/Buyer & Winter Joint Conference Reg.   $190           $210
        Active AASBO Member Rate
        Vendor/Buyer & Winter Joint Conference Reg.   $280           $300           PLEASE NOTE, each
        Non-Member Rate                                                             registrant must register
                                                                                    using their own user ID
                                                                                    and Password. Please DO
                                                                                    NOT attempt to register an

                                                                                    individual using the log in of



                                                                                     Cancellations will be accept-
        PLEASE NOTE:                                                                 ed up to ten (10) business
                                                                                     days prior to the first day of
        Registration is PER PERSON. You may not share                                the conference. Refunds are
        individual login information with others. Only the                           issued minus a $25 process-
                                                                                     ing fee.
        registered individual is allowed access to the virtual
        conference.                                                                  CANCELLATIONS
                                                                                     MUST BE SUBMITTED
        Login information will be sent out closer to the date.                       VIA E-MAIL TO:

        Please contact the AASBO office at 602-253-5576 or you
        may email

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