Page 2 - 2021 Spring Conference
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Welcome to the 2021 Spring AASBO Conference, AASBO – Rising Like a Phoenix!

        As Vice President of AASBO, I have the distinct pleasure of serving as this year’s Spring Conference
        chair.  While that may be my assigned role, the committee members and track chairs are the ones to
        be thanked for organizing a great couple of days for the association’s membership.  They have dedi-
        cated countless hours to help provide meaningful and relevant content for this year’s conference.  It is
        no easy task in any single year and was more challenging for 2021 given the proximity of the Winter
        and Spring conferences.  I owe them a great deal of appreciation and gratitude for their hard work to
        the benefit of our members!  Additionally, Audrey, Ana, Chuck, Brian, and the entire AASBO staff have
        been very supportive in helping to bring the vision of the committee forward.  This endeavor would
        not be possible without the involvement from everyone – it truly is a team effort!  The association, the
        conference track chairs, and committee members are excited to bring you this opportunity for profes-
        sional development.

        Even though the conference will be a bit different than our usual in-person gathering in Laughlin,
        please be assured that we will continue our tradition of providing exceptional professional develop-
        ment even in this virtual environment.  While we are starting to get the hang of these virtual confer-
        ences, I am eagerly awaiting the day in which we can return to gathering in-person.

        If you have attended any of AASBO’s excellent prior virtual conferences, thanks to Audrey and the
        amazing work she has done, the format and platform for the Spring conference will not be much
        different.  Like with each of our conferences, our main goal is to make participation and engagement
        easy and convenient as you deal with the many ongoing challenges of the school year.  At the same
        time, we also want to provide you with the relevant and critical professional development, networking
        opportunities, and chances to interact with participants and sponsors that you expect from a typical
        AASBO conference—albeit in a virtual format.

        This year’s conference features a vendor showcase, dynamic and engaging keynote speaker, 29 ex-
        cellent breakout sessions across all tracks, legal and legislative updates, best practices awards, and
        so much more!

        We look forward to seeing you on April 7th, 8th and 9th and hope that the Spring Conference will help
        you return from this current circumstance stronger, smarter, and more capable of future success!
        Register today!

        Dale Ponder

        Vice President, AASBO
        Spring Conference Chair
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