Page 5 - 2021 Spring Conference
P. 5
Dr. Joe Sanfelippo
Meet Joe
Dr. Joe Sanfelippo is the Superintendent of the Fall
Creek School District in Fall Creek, WI. The Fall
Creek School District was named an Innovative
Lead From Where You Are District in 2016 and 2017 by the International Cen-
ter for Leadership in Education. Joe holds a BA in
“I’m just...It’s a phrase we hear all the time. I’m Elementary and Early Childhood Education from
just a teacher, I’m just a business manager, I’m St. Norbert College, a MS in Educational Psychol-
just an assistant principal, I’m just a tech director, ogy from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, a
I’m just a custodian….the list goes on and on and MS in Educational Leadership, and a PhD in Lead-
is always followed by reasons something CAN’T ership, Learning, and Service from Cardinal Stritch
University. Joe is also an adjunct professor in the
happen. Leadership is not a title, it’s an action... Educational Leadership Department at Viterbo
and it starts from within. Identifying leadership University. Joe has taught Kindergarten, 2nd Grade,
traits in yourself changes your mindset when and 5th Grade. He was also a school counselor and
thinking about leading those around you. Part of high school coach prior to taking on an elementary
our responsibility as leaders is to identify leader- principal position in 2005. He has served as a prin-
ship traits in others. The opportunities are end- cipal in suburban and rural Wisconsin.
less for those who choose to’s our job
to find those traits, focus our efforts on growth
opportunities, and foster an environment where
everyone has a chance to lead.