Page 3 - 2021 Spring Conference
P. 3
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
8 AM - 4 PM Expo Hall
Schedule One on One
8 AM - 4 PM Product Showcases Appointments
Attendees & Exhibitors can search
8 AM - 4 PM Virtual Appointments and can request an appointment.
Appointment will show as pend-
ing until approved by other party.
8 AM - 4 PM AASBO Scavenger Hunt We know this will never replace
the experience of in-person gath-
ering but we hope you will be able
8 AM - 4 PM Random Prize Drawings to see some of our conference go-
ers and still have a rewarding ex-
Attend a Product Showcase Webinar!
During the conference, navigate on over to Product Showcase Webinars schedule! Here you will find our
AASBO Vendors who have set up webinars to show you whats new with their company!
Check out the times of showings and what there is to offer! (Info to come!)
Explore the Virtual Expo Hall!
The AASBO Expo hall will be open and our AASBO Corporate Partner’s will have giveaways and the AASBO
Scavenger hunt will still be in full swing! Take this time to see the latest and greatest from our AASBO Corporate
This is an example of what the expo can look like.