Page 16 - Spring Conference Brochure 2022
P. 16
Breakout Session 2
Breakout Session 2
Thursday 12:50 pm to 1:40 pm
201: Lost/Stopped/V oided Checks
201: Lost/Stopped/Voided Checks
What do you do if someone gives you money? Most people would answer either “Spend It!” or “De-
posit It!”. But people are amazing and whether they are employees or vendors they seem to come
up with the most inventive ways of NOT doing either. So what happens when you have to void a
check? Or a direct deposit? When do I stop a check? What is it doing to my GL? Where does the
bank fit into this? Or the County Treasurer? Can I pay this person in chickens next time? All these
questions and more will be answered!
Speakers: Jill Winn & Mike Martinez - Maricopa County School Superintendent Office
Speak ers:
Track: Accounting
Track: Accounting
Aboard – D
202: All Aboard – Debt-Related Mishmash
elated Mishma
If you are curious about short term financing options, what is arbitrage rebate, how to record capital
leases and GASB lease information then this finance mishmash is for you! In this session, we’ll help you
pick up steam and keep you on track as we discuss these four topics with our panelists. We’ll have a
tram-endous amount of information for you.
Speak ers:
Speakers: Megan Burke & Erika Coombs - Piper Sandler, Mike Lauzon - HeinfeldMeech &
Mike Barragan - Glendale Elementary School District
Business Administration
Track: Business Administration
203: Maximize Food Service Revenue with Catered Meals
203: Maximiz e F ood Service R ev enue with Catered Meals
Is your food service department missing opportunities to increase revenue by providing catered
meals? This session addresses the need in charter schools for NSLP breakfasts, lunch, and dinners.
Two consultants with over 30 years’ experience each are available to help child nutrition programs
through a grant from No Kid Hungry and the Arizona Food Bank Network. Their services are free.
and there are grants to help purchase equipment and train staff.
Speakers: Kathy Glindmeier & Debbie McCarron - Arizona Department of Education/Arizona Food
Speak ers:
Bank Network & Rick Hall - Creighton School District
Child Nutrition
Track: Child Nutrition
The Importance of Prev
204: The Importance of Preventive Maintenance
e Maintenance
Often Maintenance and Facility Staff are so busy with day to day tasks they are unable to get into
the Preventive Maintenance (PM) aspects of their job. Time and resources are always a challenge.
Everyone’s goal should be a preventive task rather than a reactive task. The reactive task typically
costs more in down time, efficiencies and real dollars. The goal should be preventing equipment
from breaking down (at the worst possible time) and extending the life of your investment. Please
join us for some insight, real experiences and thoughts on improving your PM program at your
Speakers: Mike Collins - Pueblo Mechanical and Controls &
Mike Fisher - Littleton Elementary School District
Maintenance & Operations
Track: Maintenance & Operations
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