Page 19 - Spring Conference Brochure 2022
P. 19

Breakout Session 3
                              Breakout Session 3

                                           Thursday 2:00 pm to 2:50 pm

                SRS Contribution Prefunding Progr
        305: ASRS Contribution Prefunding Program
        The Arizona State Retirement System is expected to implement a program in coming months that
        will allow participating ASRS employers to prefund a portion of future retirement contributions.
        The concept is to benefit ASRS overall by increasing the funded ratio and increasing the asset base
        that can be invested to earn annual returns.  The potential benefit to ASRS employers is the ability
        to reduce annual retirement contribution expenditures.  This session includes discussion of how
        the program is expected to work and the statutory changes needed to implement the program;
        the pros/cons of contributing additional upfront dollars to ASRS; and benefits and possible risks
        associated with borrowing to acquire those upfront dollars.

        Speak  ers:
        Speakers: Randie Stein & Bryan Lundberg - Stifel & Chuck Essigs - AASBO
               Human Resources/Payroll
        Track: Human Resources/Payroll

                            Network (S
              Sun Corridor
                                                         esearch and Education Network – B
        306: Sun Corridor Network (SCN), Arizona’s Research and Education Network – Briefing/Overview
        Gain a better understanding of what it means to have SCN, as a state regional research and education net-
        work (REN), connected to Internet2, the national research and education network.
        Established in 2013, SCN currently serves the three state universities and other educational institutions,
        supporting research and education at gigabit speeds across the state of Arizona.  SCN’s connection to Inter-
        net2 connects our regional network with a national network community providing cloud solutions, research
        support, and services tailored for research and education, including eduroam; a simple, easy, secure Wi-Fi
        connection from thousands of hotspots across more than 100 countries.  RENs are high speed fiber networks
        dedicated to the research and education community to help foster opportunities to collaborate, share ideas,
        and obtain new information.
        Speakers: Derek Masseth - Sun Corridor Network & Albert Magallanez - Continental Elementary SD
        Speak  ers:
        Track: Information Technology
        Track:  Information Technology
        307:   Getting  on Board  with Mark et Conditions  and  Na viga ting the New  Norm
        307: Getting on Board with Market Conditions and Navigating the New Norm
        This session will be led by a construction estimator and project managers point of view.  In this ses-
        sion you will learn about man power shortages, cost escalation of building materials and delayed lead
        times. Procurement personnel and suppliers need to regroup to navigate around new issues driven by
        the pandemic.

        Speakers: Taylor Perkins & Jonathan Cheek - Chasse Building Team &
        Speak  ers:
                        Gary Barkman - Mesa Public Schools
        Track: Purchasing/Vendor
        Track:  Purchasing/Vendor

        308: Routing During a Pandemic
        308:  R outing During a P  andemic
        This session will focus on the challenges of routing during a driver shortage and the pandemic. The
        session will discuss Route compressions and Route Optimization that can help mitigate the impact
        of driver shortage.

        Speaker: Avery Sponsler- Kyrene School District
        Track: Transportation
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