Page 18 - Spring Conference Brochure 2022
P. 18
Breakout Session 3
Breakout Session 3
Thursday 2:00 pm to 2:50 pm
udit Needs
E &
eporting -
301: COVID Reporting - ADE & Single Audit Needs
ESSER funding has introduced a whole new funding stream into our school districts and with any
new funding stream, this undoubtedly comes with a set of rules. We have learned so much about
ESSER rules and requirements and they continue to become realized in our district operations.
This session will review the latest information around the ESSER program to include operating
considerations and what to expect in the single audit world.
Speakers: Peter Laing - Arizona Department of Education & James Shankland - HeinfeldMeech
Track: Accounting
Track: Accounting
302: Utility Rates, Rising Costs, and What To Do About It.
302: Utilit y R ates, Rising Costs, a nd What T o Do About It.
Energy is the second largest district expense behind payroll and benefits. Learn how utility rates have
recently changed and what that means to you. Discover how you can leverage your existing Building
Automation System to significantly reduce energy costs and free up more M&O dollars than you ever
thought possible.
Speak ers:
Speakers: Jim Migliorino - Deer Valley Unified School District, Travis Sarver - AES Defined &
Ken Bartram - MPBAS
Track: Business Administration
Track: Business Administration
303: Personal Wellness & Gratitude Power
303: P ersonal W ellness & Gr atitude P ower
Feeling your best and looking your best can be a challenge in our busy lives especially in the seem-
ingly unhinged world of today. These are critical elements to being the best you can be for your
co-workers, friends, family and our kids. This humorous message will take a look at a few simple
things that anyone can do. We will identify individual goals and distinguish things that when com-
pounded over time can make a huge difference in your personal health and wellness.
Speak ers:
Speakers: Bart Christian - America’s Food Service Coach, Rick Hall - Creighton School District
Track: Child Nutrition
Track: Child Nutrition
educe Maintenance Headaches and Lea
e Behind A Legacy
304: Reduce Maintenance Headaches and Leave Behind A Legacy
Matt Pace is currently a K-12 Account Executive at FMX and has been in the facilities management
and construction industry for about 20 years. Of this time, the past ten years have been dedicated
to K–12 school Maintenance and Operations.
Matt was an innovative leader in the K-12 industry and was very progressive in providing students
with the best learning opportunity. Matt believed in putting as many dollars as possible into the
classroom and was a leader among his peers in energy management. Matt worked to ensure that
as he built schools in his district, they would be energy efficient and innovative.
Matt’s expertise includes CMMS implementation in K-12 Maintenance and Operations, procedures
and best practices for facilities management, energy management, and creating district-wide stan-
dards to increase productivity and efficiency.
Speakers: Mathew Pace - FMX & Jim Lamb - Queen Creek Unified School District
Track: Maintenance & Operations
Track: Maintenance & Operations
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