Page 20 - Spring Conference Brochure 2022
P. 20
Breakout Session 4
Breakout Session 4
Thursday 3:10 pm to 4:00 pm
- B
attling B
eeping Up
for Accounting Prof
401: Keeping Up Your Steam - Battling Burnout for Accounting Professionals
Attendees will come away with a better understanding of organizational and leadership practices
that reduce the burden on employees and ways to establish conditions that encourage resilience
beyond self-care. Hear from a psychologist and an experienced school finance professional – get
from choo-choo to full stream ahead with their thoughtful discussion and tips.
Speak ers:
Speakers: Erika Coombs - Piper Sandler, Dr. Alisa Beyer - Chandler-Gilbert Community College &
Linda Virgil - Peoria Unified School District
Track: Accounting
Track: Accounting
402: Latest Updates from ADE School Finance
402: Latest Updates f rom AD E S chool Finance
This session will discuss various current School Finance topics and include a review of the monthly
student data collection and payment calculation processes with an emphasis on reports that districts
should use to understand and validate state aid payments.
Speaker: Charlie Martin - Arizona Department of Education
Speak er:
Track: Business Administration
Business Administration
403:One Size Does Not Fit All: Recognizing Fad Diets and Finding What Works for You
403: One Siz e Does Not Fit All: R ecognizing F ad Diets and Finding What W orks for Y ou
Last year’s “eat this” is this year’s “not that”. It’s hard to keep track of the endless cycle of diet
trends and, honestly, who has time for that? If you are looking to find ways to eat that best support
your health, your body, and your overall wellbeing then join Registered Dietitian, Angela Gomez,
RDN, SNS. Together we will sort out fad from fact and discover what works for you.
Speaker: Angela Gomez - Laveen Elementary School District
Speak er:
Track: Child Nutrition
Track: Child Nutrition
404: Sports Construction
404: Sports Construction
How to achieve the best results for your sports construction projects.
Speakers: Chris Chartier - Hellas Construction &
Speak ers:
Donald Rodman - Laveen Elementary School District
Track: Maintenance & Operations
Track: Maintenance & Operations
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