Page 21 - Spring Conference Brochure 2022
P. 21

Breakout Session 4
                              Breakout Session 4

                                           Thursday 3:10 pm to 4:00 pm


        406: Paying the Freight: Knowing What Cyber Insurers Expect
                                                          Insurers Expect
                                            What Cyber
                ying the Freight: Knowing
        A decade ago, cyber liability insurance was as cheap and easy to get as a third-class fare. With
        the proliferation of increasingly sophisticated security threats, those days are going the way of the
        steam engine. Today’s cyber insurers want to know that the entities they insure have their cyber-
        security situation on track before coverage takes effect. Book your ticket to this session, and we’ll
        help you make the grade when it comes to cyber insurance requirements.
        Speakers: Wes Gates & Marijon Anderson - The Trust &
                        Albert Magallanez - Continental Elementary School District
               Information Technology
        Track: Information Technology
        407: Developing Specifications as a Team!
                                             a T
                  eloping Specifications as
        The quality of the solicitation specifications can make or break a successful contract.  A poorly-written,
        vague, or incomplete specification can perpetuate confusion between the district and the vendor and
        can ultimately lead to costly purchases that do not meet the needs of our customer.  It is essential for
        purchasing to partner with our end-users to make sure they understand the process and to create more
        comprehensive and meaningful specifications for upcoming solicitation.
        Speak  ers:
        Speakers: Richard Helm - Pendergast Elementary School District &
                     Cheryl Burt  - Buckeye Elementary School District
        Track: Purchasing/Vendor
        408: GPS and Student Tracking on the Bus
        408:  GPS and Student T    r acking on the Bus
        This session will center around the topic of GPS and student tracking on the bus.  A high level con-
        versation of the benefits of tracking students (bus passes) and the challenges of maintaining the
        data and the expectations around GPS.

        Speak  er:
        Speaker: Eric Kissel  - Laveen Elementary School District
        Track: Transportation

                                                                           Courtney Piña - Glendale Elementary School District
                                                                           Mike Martinez - Maricopa County School Superintendent’s Office
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