Page 2 - Spring Conference Brochure 2022
P. 2

Wednesday, April 6, 2022
                              Wednesday, April 6, 2022


                                                                                  8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
                                                                                   Aquarius Casino Resort

                                                                                Arizona Tower, Second Floor

                                                                                  8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
                                                                                         Registration &

                                                                                    Continental Breakfast

                                                                               All pre-conferences include breakfast & lunch
  Stephanie Arbaugh - The Trust

                                                           9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
                                                            Keynote Address:
                                                      If Only I Had a Flag and a Whistle:
                                                                      Flag and a
                                                               Had a
                                                        Only I
                                                      Leadership Strategies on the Field
                                                      Leadership Str ategies  on the Field
                                                       and In  School  Support Services
                                                       and In School Support Services
        Tom’s passion, after family and his commitment to supporting a meaningful
        and rewarding educational experience for all students, is sports officiating.
        He  has  officiated  multiple  sports  over  his  36-year  career as  an  Assistant
        Superintendent and Chief Financial Officer at school districts in Wisconsin
        and Arizona.  The leadership skills and strategies he learned and developed
        as a high school, college and professional football official have played an
        invaluable role in his success as a school business leader.                            Robert Jacobson - Laveen School District
        Tom will review key leadership strategies utilized by sports officials to get to
        (and hopefully stay at) “the top of their game” and how many of the same
        strategies can contribute to improving the effectiveness and success of our
        school support services leaders.

        Page 2          er:
          eynote Speak
        Keynote Speaker: Tom Wohlleber
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