Page 4 - Spring Conference Brochure 2022
P. 4

Pre-Conference Agenda
                       Pre-Conference Agenda


             Wednesday, April 6, 2022

                   8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

        9:00 AM - 10:00 AM                                     1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
                                                                                                 School Y
                                                                      Getting R
        Keynote Address
        K eynote Address                                       T302: Getting Ready for a New School Year    r
                                                               It’s the first day of school, you happily wave good-
        10:00 AM - 10:50 AM                                    bye to your drivers as they depart for their routes.
        T102: Transportation Route Data Reporting Part 1
        T102: T r ansporta tion R oute D a ta R eporting P art 1  But how did we get to this point? Did everything
        Climb on board as we take a journey around Ari-        get taken care of? Join us for this session as we
        zona’s statutes and external guideline on how to       discuss getting ready for a new school year and
        complete the 100 day report and vehicle invento-       everything involved for a successful first day.
        ry report! Be the leader of your district’s transpor-  Topics Include:
        tation reporting by climbing on board this jour-       •  Getting organized for the start of a new year
        ney and getting to know the ins and outs of what       •  What needs to be done / when
        is reportable for funding and how to report that       •  What not to forget
        information.  Live  the  real  life  adventure  that  is   •  Delegating to the right people
        transportation reporting! All aboard!                  •  In-service meetings (why?)
        Speaker: Brian Lockery - Kyrene School District        Speaker: Trace Tolby - Gilbert Public Schools

        11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
                          tion R
                                                         rt 2
        T202: Transportation Route Data Reporting Part 2       2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
                                oute D
                                       ata R
                                             eporting P
        Navigating through the new ADE transportation          T402:   The  T op  Fiv e T r ansportation Hot  T opics/
                                                               T402: The Top Five Transportation Hot Topics/
        reporting portal, we will investigate how to report           Concerns/Questions
        your transportation information collected to com-      Whether you’re an Arizona native or a transplant
        plete  the  100  day  report  and  vehicle  inventory   from  afar,  Jason  Nelson  and  Stephanie  Arbaugh
        report. This journey will see you leading your dis-    from  the  Trust  will  host  a  transportation  speed-
        trict’s transportation reporting, and making sure      round of five hot topics in this 50-minute session.
        you take the helm of your district’s portal infor-     Four scheduled topics are ELDT regulations, hiring
        mation!  You  will  learn  to  plot  a  course  through   and retention strategies, minimizing burnout and
        the new ADE portal, piloting the way through a         addressing staff morale, and continuing full oper-
        journey of discovery. Climb aboard, join this ad-      ations during COVID. The audience will decide on
        venture and lead the way!                              a fifth hot topic. Join the Trust transportation team
                                                               as they highlight Arizona’s finest minds by working
        Speaker: Brian Lockery - Kyrene School District        with the audience to offer potential solutions to to-
                                                               day’s student transportation challenges.
        11:50 PM - 1:00 PM                                     Speakers: Jason Nelson & Stephanie Arbaugh -
        Lunch &
        Lunch & Networking                                     The Trust & Brian Lockery - Kyrene School District

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