Page 5 - Spring Conference Brochure 2022
P. 5

Pre-Conference Agenda
                       Pre-Conference Agenda

                          Information Technology
                          Information Technology

            Wednesday, April 6, 2022
                  8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

        9:00 AM - 10:00 AM                                     11:50 AM - 1:00 PM
                                                               Lunch &
        Keynote Address
        K eynote Address                                       Lunch & Networking
        10:00 AM - 10:50 AM                                    1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
                                                               I303: Data Security and Protection
        I103: S un  Corridor Network  (SCN)   - Adv a nced     I303:   Data Securit y and Pro  tectio n
        I103: Sun Corridor Network (SCN) - Advanced

               Network Services

                   Network Services                            Today’s data security requirements have become
        Join a technical discussion around how to get to       increasingly complex with more remote work-
        the  cloud faster  with secure,  abundant,  shared,    ers amassing greater amounts of data and an in-
        and dedicated capacity using Internet2’s Network-      creased reliance on the cloud to support them. At
        ing for  the  Cloud Solution, including  Internet2     the same time, malware and ransomware threats
        Peer Exchange, Cloud Connect, and Rapid Private        continue to increase in number and sophistication.
        Interconnect.                                          Join this session on ransomware to learn about
                                                               modern approaches to data protection and strate-
        Learn more on the DDoS Mitigation Service Sub-
        scriber, a tenant model and self-monitored at no       gies to protect all of your data.
        cost, as well as Internet2’s NET+ Services, which
                                                               Speakers: Todd Simmons - Logicalis &
        includes a portfolio of community-evaluated ser-       Speak  ers:
        vices as a key part of many campuses cloud and         Albert  Magallanez  - Continental  Elementary
        information security programs. Net+ Services in-       School District
        clude  identity  and  access  management  services
        and software, single sign-on eduroam secure Wi-
        Fi  access,  security  cloud  services,  and  seamless
        and secure access to cloud infrastructure.             2:00 PM - 2:50 PM

                                                                                 igital T
                                                               I403: Office of Digital Teaching and Learning
                                                                      Office of
        Speakers: Derek Masseth -                                        Round-Robin

        Sun Corridor Network & Albert Magallanez -             Technology  Solutions  Challenge:  Fast  moving,
        Continental Elementary School District                 interactive,  idea  igniting.  We’ll  focus  on  topics
                                                               pertinent  to LEAs  in the  digital  teaching  and
                                                               learning space (cybersecurity to refresh plans to
        11:00 AM - 11:50 AM                                    training, helpdesk and device support).  Come
        I203: Turbocharge Your Cybersecurity with              ready to engage and generate ideas and solu-
                 MFA (multi-factor authentication)             tions, interact and make connections. This ses-
        When  logging  in  to  a  sensitive  account,  have  you   sion  will  provide  participants  with  new  ideas,
        ever been prompted to enter a code that was sent to    even applicable tools, while also providing ADE
        your phone? That’s a common form of multi-factor       feedback to utilize and integrate into the Office
        authentication, or MFA. As a cybersecurity measure,
        this and other types of MFA are like using a helmet,   of Digital Teaching and Learning strategies and
        a seatbelt, and an airbag: They’re added levels of     practices that impact LEAs.
        protection to help keep your vital information safe.
                                                               Speaker: Kelly Krusee - Arizona Department of
        MFA isn’t just good practice, either; increasingly, it’s   Speak er:
        a  requirement  for  insurance  coverage.  Attend  this   Education
        session and we’ll help you add serious horsepower
        to your cybersecurity efforts via MFA.
        Speak  ers:
        Speakers: Wes Gates & Marijon Anderson -
        The  Trust  &  Albert  Magallanez  -  Continental
        Elementary School District                                                                          Page 5
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