Page 3 - Spring Conference Brochure 2022
P. 3
Pre-Conference Agenda
Pre-Conference Agenda
Maintenance & Operations
Maintenance & Operations
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
anced Issues
: A
with Construction D
eynote Address
Keynote Address M301: Advanced Issues with Construction Defects
and Life Safety in School Construction
Life Saf
in School Construction
10:00 AM - 10:50 AM A deep dive into the common issues found in School
M101: How to K eep Complaint in Herbicides in construction throughout the Western U.S. A team
M101: How to Keep Complaint in Herbicides in
our D
your District of forensic experts will discuss what they are find-
The presenters will walk you through the A to Z ing while investigating School to assess the quality
process to keep your in compliance and safe in of construction and determine if defects exist.
your district.
Speak ers:
Speakers: Ritchie Lipson - Kasdan Turner
Speak ers: Thomson Booth & Scott Friesen, PE, CEM -
Speakers: Stephen Cook - Littleton Elementary
School District, Donald Rodman & Robert Jacobson Crown Point Engineering Mark Lundell – RE
- Laveen School District Construction Experts & Robert Jacobson - Laveen
Elementary School District
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
M201: Rigging Your Sales to Navigate the Market
M201: Rigging Y our Sales to Na vigate the Mark et 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
M401: Why Drones are Critical to Every Project
Conditions Storm Ahead M401: Wh y D rones are Critical to Ev ery Project
Learn about market condition trends as it relates to Mark and Amy will take a deep dive into the latest
your district construction projects, and how to best and greatest drone services, showing how much
prepare for material escalation, long lead times, money can actually be saved, and why the ser-
and other related challenges we are all facing in vice has become so critical. As the trusted Drone
today’s market. service on the State JOC contract, they are here
to help make sense of this technology and why all
Speak ers: sites can benefit! Drones are no longer a bench
Speakers: Taylor Perkins, Jonathon Cheek &
Vicente Teran - Chasse Building Team warmer and have become a key player in the con-
Robert Jacobson - Laveen School District struction game.
Mark has thousands of missions under his belt and
has the loyal trust of some of the most recognized
11:50 PM - 1:00 PM General Contractors and Site Development com-
Lunch & Networking panies in Arizona. Don’t put off this technology,
Lunch &
EAP is here to help you integrate it now!
Speak ers:
Speakers: Mark Taylor & Amy Imberescia -
Extreme Aerial Productions & Robert Jacobson -
Laveen Elementary School District
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