Page 6 - Spring Conference Brochure 2022
P. 6
Pre-Conference Agenda
Pre-Conference Agenda
Procurement 101
Procurement 101
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 11:50 PM - 1:00 PM
Lunch & Networking
K eynote Address Lunch & Networking
Keynote Address
10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
P104: Uniform S ystem of Financia l R ecords 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
P104: Uniform System of Financial Records
P304: Federal Purchasing
and Obta ining Quotes P304:
and Obtaining Quotes
Learn what’s in store for quotes below the for- In this session we will discuss the requirements that
mal threshold. Things you need to know re- should be included in your purchases. There are
garding information to be included, low quotes several pieces to the Federal language that may be
and quotes containing other factors besides different when doing quotes below the threshold.
price where price may not be the determining Come and learn some best practice approaches to
factor. this confusing language.
Speak ers: Speakers: Gary Barkman -
Speakers: Gary Barkman -
Mesa Public Schools, Bill Munch - Mesa Public Schools, Bill Munch -
Valley Schools & Laura Szymanoski - Valley Schools & Laura Szymanoski -
Deer Valley Unified School District Deer Valley Unified School District
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
P204: Cooperative Purchasing
P204: P404: Commonly Asked Questions
Let us show you some factors to consider when Attendees will get answers to commonly asked
using a cooperative contract when purchasing purchasing questions and issues faced by
below the formal threshold. We will cover every- school business officials. Arrive with your own
thing from determining when best to consider a questions in an effort to “Stump the Munch”.
cooperative. Just know all the tools available to
you when making these types of decisions. Speakers: Gary Barkman -
We will cover the new rule regarding R7-2-1004 Mesa Public Schools, Bill Munch -
when creating the determination for coopera- Valley Schools & Laura Szymanoski -
tives and vendor selection. Deer Valley Unified School District
Speakers: Gary Barkman -
Speak ers:
Mesa Public Schools, Bill Munch -
Valley Schools & Laura Szymanoski -
Deer Valley Unified School District
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