Page 3 - 2019 Vendor/Buyer Conference
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Vendor/Buyer Conference
Breakout Session I Breakout Session II
10:10 AM - 11:00 AM 11:05 AM - 11:55 AM
101: E-Rate, Specific Information on How 201: Federal Procurement Provisions:
it Works 202: Amendments & Clarifications to IFB’s
102: Internal Audit without an Internal 203: SFB Procurement Requirements for
Auditor Building Renewal Grants
103: Construction - APDM Different Facets 204: Contract Language
104: “Mistakes in Bids and Minor
Informalities - (Panel Discussion)
Best Practices to be consistent in
making determinations”
Breakout Session III Breakout Session IV
1:00 PM - 1:50 PM 2:10 PM - 3:00 PM
301: Rules Revision from HB2663 401: Public Records / Freedom of
302: Electronic Records Retention! Information Act Requests
303: Are you paying too much, providing 402: Multiple Awards and Determining
the required transparency and Least # of Vendors
verifying the validity of the price on 403: Registrar of Contractors (ROC)
your JOC and CM@Risk Website
Construction Projects? (Perhaps not!) 404: Entering the School Arena
304: I’ve Been Awarded a Contract…
Now What?
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