Page 5 - 2019 Vendor/Buyer Conference
P. 5
Breakout Session II
201: Federal Procurement Provisions: 202: Amendments & Clarifications to
How do you know if a contract is provi-
sionally compliant for due diligence and What constitutes one? Is there a format &
your own contracts? order? This session will discuss best practice
with regards to handling amendments and
Presented By: Bobby Williams II - Mesa clarifications to IFB’s.
Public Schools & Lourdes Banuelos -
Tolleson Union High School District Presented By: Laura Szymanoski - Dys-
art Unified School District, Cora McCan
- Peoria Unified School District & Gary
Barkman - Mesa Public Schools
203: SFB Procurement Requirements 204: Contract Language
for Building Renewal Grants
When a vendor provides a contract or
SFB Liaisons will review the procurement agreement that needs to be signed, what
policy for Building Renewal Grants includ- specific language can we accept? What lan-
ing the Procurement Decision Matrix and guage can we not accept? Who in the Dis-
the Roofing Performance Specifications. trict typically reviews/signs the contracts/
Discussion will include procurement of agreements?
Professional Services, formal bids and ad-
vertising, when to issue purchase orders, Presented By: Lila McCleery - Phoenix
and the needed bidding documentation Union High School District, Susan Segal
for the SFB Board Packet. - Gust Rosenfeld P.L.C. & Moderator -
Bill Munch - Valley Schools
Presented By: Stephanie Vassar- Arizona
School Facilities Board
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