Page 4 - 2019 Vendor/Buyer Conference
P. 4
Breakout Session I
101: E-Rate, Specific Information on 102: Internal Audit without an
How it Works Internal Auditor
Know the needed requirements and infor- Internal auditing is a good idea for district;
mation needed to conduct a successful E- but without an internal auditor, what can
Rate solicitation. you do? You can come to this session! We
will share some easy analytics to help iden-
Presented By: Cindi Hostetler - Tempe tify areas of concern to further investigate
Unified School District & Ernie Nicely - and talk about tests to perform to put your
Nicely Done Consulting mind at ease.
Presented By: Megan Smith - Arizona
Auditor General’s Office
103: Construction - APDM Different 104: Mistakes in Bids and Minor
Facets Informalities - (Panel Discussion)
Best Practices to be consistent in
Come learn about APDM and the benefits making determinations
of CMAR and JOC. This session will cover
APDM with primary focus on Construction Discussion on Best Practice for what con-
Manager at Risk and Job Order Contract- stitues minor informalities or mistakes in
ing. bids. Learn some best practices for what
determines whether mistakes in bids may
Presented By: Karen Fleetwood - Mesa be declared as a minor informality.
Public Schools & Barry Chasse - Chasse
Building Team Presented By: Laura Szymanoski - Dys-
art Unified School District, Cheryl Burt
- Buckeye Elementary School District,
Bill Munch - Valley Schools, Jennifer
Munoz - 1GPA & Michelle Hamilton -
Mesa Public Schools
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