Page 7 - 2019 Vendor/Buyer Conference
P. 7
Breakout Session IV
401: Public Records / Freedom of 402: Multiple Awards and
Information Act Requests Determining Least # of Vendors
In this session, information will be pro- What’s required for determining multiple
vided on requesting public records/infor- awards and how do districts determine the
mation from a vendor standpoint and re- least number of vendors to award? What
sponding to public records requests from are the Best Practices for these determina-
an agency standpoint. Also, information tions and what are the ramifications, if any.
will be provided on commercial requests,
fees, confidentiality and other aspects of Presented By: Bobby Williams II - Mesa
the wide-ranging topic of public records Public Schools, Nancy Colbaugh - Mo-
requests. Bring your questions and your have Educational Services Coopera-
agencies best practices to share. tive Inc.., Jennifer Shields - Heinfeld
Meech, Michelle Hamilton - Mesa Pub-
Presented By: Kevin Startt - Tucson Uni- lic Schools & Rebecca Seifert - Tempe
fied School District & Diana Kerfoot - Elementary School District
Tucson Unified School District
403: Registrar of Contractors (ROC) 404: Entering the School Arena
Join a panel of our school procurement
professionals discussing the best practices
HB 2663 has made it a requirement that for sales success within the school environ-
the School District shall obtain and main- ment
tain a record of proof in the procurement
file that a construction or construction ser-
vices provider that’s been awarded a con- Presented By: Monique Harris - Tem-
tract with the School District, or through a pe Elementary School District, Roger
cooperative purchasing agreement, has a Spivey - Litchfield Elementary School
license in good standing to perform Con- District, Gary Barkman - Mesa Public
struction Work (A.R.S. Title 32, Chapter Schools & Deborah Sandoval - Mohave
10). Attend this session to find out about Educational Services Cooperative Inc.
licensing requirements, compliance and
how to use their website.
Presented By: Jim Knupp, Jeff Wills &
Joseph Citelli - Registrar of Contractors
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