Page 4 - 2017 Winter Conference
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Winter Conference 2017
Conference Snapshot Session by Track
Breakout Session I
10:10 AM - 11:00 AM Business
101: The Role of The MSRB 101: The Role of The MSRB
102: Surplus Property - The Materials 201: Current Year Funding-- Lessons
Management Section of the School Learned-- Planning for the Future
District Procurement Rules 301: What’s New with SFB
103: FLSA - Going beyond the changes, 401: Guide to Developing Strong Internal
what you need to know! Control Procedures With Limited Staff
104: BUDG 25 and 75 Reports Overview
Breakout Session II 102: Surplus Property - The Materials
11:05 AM - 11:55 AM Management Section of the School
201: Current Year Funding-- Lessons District Procurement Rules
Learned-- Planning for the Future 202: What Goes In the IFB/RFP/RFQ
202: What Goes In the IFB/RFP/RFQ Folder (Determinations)
Folder (Determinations) 302: Procurement Cards (P-Cards)- Are
203: Understanding Federal Programs from They For You?
an Auditor Perspective 402: USFR Quote Requirements
204: JTED Reporting and Coding
Federal Issues
Breakout Session III 103: FLSA - Going beyond the changes,
1:00 PM - 1:50 PM what you need to know!
301: What’s New with SFB 203: Understanding Federal Programs from
302: Procurement Cards (P-Cards)- Are an Auditor Perspective
They For You? 303: Surviving an IRS Audit
303: Surviving an IRS Audit 403: E-Rate - Where is it Going?
304: Creating a Corrective Action Plan
(CAP) State Issues
Breakout Session IV 104: BUDG 25 and 75 Reports Overview
2:10 PM - 3:00 PM 204: JTED Reporting and Coding
401: Guide to Developing Strong Internal 304: Creating a Corrective Action Plan
Control Procedures With Limited Staff (CAP)
402: USFR Quote Requirements 404: ADE’s ADM Audit Process Overview
403: E-Rate - Where is it Going?
404: ADE’s ADM Audit Process Overview
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