Page 5 - 2017 Winter Conference
P. 5
Breakout Session I
101: The Role of the MSRB 103: FLSA - Going beyond the
changes, what you need to know!
Topics will include understanding the role
of the MSRB, disclosure framework, sub- The FLSA law changed in December. This
mitting disclosures to Electronic Municipal change brought a new level of attention to
Market Access (EMMA), what information FLSA. What are some of the common vio-
is on EMMA, as well as sharing resources lations of FLSA and how can you best pre-
for issuers. The presentation will discuss pare your school district and yourself from
the framework of issuers’ submission, navi- penalties.
gating the submission portal, submitting
voluntary and required continuing disclo- Presented By: Karin Smith - Heinfeld,
sures to EMMA, identifying where to get Meech & Co. & Linda Robertson - Buck-
live help with submitting information and eye Elementary School District
required continuing disclosures to EMMA.
Presented By: Rita McLaughlin - Munici-
pal Securities Rulemaking Board
104: BUDG 25 and 75 Reports
102: Surplus Property - The Materials
Management Section of the This session will cover the Budget 25 and
School District Procurement Rules 75 report mechanics. Attendees will learn
how to use the monthly BUDG25 as a tool
This session will address compliance and in efficiently managing budgeted expendi-
best practices for getting rid of our surplus tures and the annual BUDG75 in effectively
property. Our procurement rules list sev- evaluating the prior year’s actual expendi-
en different methods for disposing of our tures. The ADM formulas will be reviewed
surplus. In addition, we may employ oth- along with how ADM feeds into the pay-
er disposition methods provided we make ment of state aid.
a written determination that such proce-
dure is advantageous to the school district. Presented By: Sabah Hussain & Darrel
Come discover strategies and secrets to Hugli - School Finance, Arizona Depart-
getting rid of surplus property effectively ment of Education
and efficiently while remaining procure-
ment compliant!
Presented By: Cheryl Burt - Tolleson
Union High School District & Bill Munch
- Valley Schools Management Group
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