Page 8 - 2017 Winter Conference
P. 8

Breakout Session  I V

                                                               403: E-Rate – Where is it Going?

         401: Guide to Developing Strong
                 Internal Control Procedures                   E-Rate is an ever changing program.  The tech-
                 With Limited Staff                            nology needs are increasing but the funding
                                                               is  decreasing.    Learn  the  latest  information
                                                               related to E-Rate and what to expect in the
         How to design internal controls with lim-
         ited staff to get proper segregation of du-           future for this important funding source.
         ties.  We’ll go over common areas where
         there  are  segregation  of  duty  issues  and        Presented By: Ernest Nicely, Jr. -  Nicely
         steps that schools can take to mitigate the           Done Consulting & Jon Castelhano - Gil-
         problem.  In addition, a Business Manager             bert School District
         of a small rural district will also share how
         she has implemented segregation of duty

         controls with limited staff.                          404: ADE’s ADM Audit Process
         Presented By: Eric Thompson - Clifton-
         LarsonAllen LLP & Shirley Lomeli - Win-               ADE’s  Audit  Unit  completes  approximately  36
         slow Unified School District                          ADM  audits  each  year  with  the  chief  focus  of
                                                               validating proper ADM reporting, which direct-
                                                               ly affects Basic State Aid funding and Budget Ca-
                                                               pacity. As awareness of the Audit Unit’s work has
         402: USFR Quote Requirements                          increased, so too has the request for additional
                                                               information about what an ADE ADM audit in-

         Whether you are new or a seasoned pro-                volves and how an LEA can best prepare. The
         curement professional let’s go back to ba-            ADM Audit Process presentation will layout the
         sics.    Come  join  our  discussion  on  what        road map for what a typical ADM Audit encom-
                                                               passes and entails as well as the potential out-
         the USFR says regarding quotes.  We will              comes resulting from an ADM Audit. The goal
         also have a discussion about the guidelines  of the presentation is to increase the efficacy of
         and best practices. We will share examples  audits in the future for both the auditee and the
         and provide a complete overlook on the  Department  by  expanding  outreach,  discussing
         requirements that will assist in streamlining         findings,  and  evaluating  LEA  divergence  from
         your process.                                         statute  or  guideline.  Upon  successful  comple-
                                                               tion, attendees will be able to explain the parts
                                                               of an ADM Audit, potential audit outcomes, and
         Presented By: Eva Dino - Alhambra El-                 the audit appeal process.
         ementary  School  District  &    Tammy
         Leeder - Pendergast Elementary School                 Presented  By:  Matt  Boucher  &  Taylor

         District                                              MacNamara  -  Arizona  Department  of
                                                               Education & Rose Whelihan - The Pro-
                                                               fessional Group Public Consulting

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