Page 6 - 2017 Winter Conference
P. 6

Breakout Session  I I

         201: Current Year Funding -- Lessons                  203: Understanding Federal Programs

                  Learned--Planning for the Future         from an Auditor Perspective

         Current year funding is here, now what?  Your  auditors  don’t  make  up  the  compli-
         This session will facilitate a discussion for  ance  requirements  for  your  federal  pro-
         school districts on questions such as:  What  grams.  The compliance requirements that
         budgeting tools are school districts utiliz-          may be direct and material to your federal
         ing  to  plan  for  funding  changes,  how  to  programs are outlined by OMB and a com-

         plan for collective bargaining with current  pliance supplement may outline even more
         year funding in mind, how to present cur-             detail about the program requirements and
         rent year budgeting changes to your Board  how  they  are  audited.    This  session  will
         and stakeholders, and other timely topics.  walk  through  the  applicable  compliance

         Please come join this open discussion and  requirements for a common school district
         hear  innovative  ideas  that  other  districts  federal program and how you can ensure
         are using.                                            you are prepared for the audit by under-
                                                               standing  what  the  requirements  are  and

         Presented  By:  Lizette  Huie  -  Sahuarita           what your auditors will be asking for.
         Unified  School  District  &  Melissa  Hig-
         don  -  Tavun  Advisory  Services  Inc.  &            Presented  By:  Sandra  Schossow  -  Peo-
         Scott  Heusman  -  Alhambra  Elementa-                ria Unified School District & Sara Kirk -

         ry  School  District  &  Bennie  Gemello  -           Heinfeld, Meech & Co.
         Academy of Tucson Charter Schools

                                                               204: JTED Reporting and Coding

         202: What Goes In the IFB/RFP/RFQ
                 Folder (Determinations)                       JTED  cost  reporting  is  not  new  but  it  is
                                                               changing based on increased reporting re-
         Learn a proven methodology for keeping                quirements that went into law when JTED

         your  auditors  happy.    This  presentation          funding was restored in the 2016 Legislative
         will show you how to create, organize and             session. In this session we will review the
         maintain a failproof solicitation folder, es-         guidance on JTED cost reporting for JTEDs
         sential for passing the grade.                        and member districts. We will discuss what
                                                               costs need to be reported for central and
                                                               satellite programs and how to directly as-
         Presented By: Michelle Hamilton & Kar-                sign or allocated costs to programs to make

         en Fleetwood - Mesa Public Schools
                                                               JTED program costs more comparable.

                                                               Presented By:   Arizona Office of the Au-
                                                               ditor General
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