Page 7 - 2017 Winter Conference
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Breakout Session I I I
301: What’s New with the SFB 303: Surviving an IRS Audit
Meet the new Executive Director of the Has your District experienced an IRS audit?
School Facilities Board, Paul G. Bakalis, and Does this thought scare you!? This session
hear his vision and goals for the Board. will review some of the common areas of
Learn about new statutory requirements focus in an IRS audit including who gets a
and processes. Staff will be available to 1099 vs a W2 and what information should
discuss Adjacent Ways validation, changes be included. Do you know all the variables
to the payment application/invoice sub- that are required to be included in both?
mission process, and other hot topics. Learn how you can self-audit your records
to determine compliance before the IRS
Presented By: Paul G. Bakalis - Arizona notifies you that you are out of compli-
School Facilities Board ance. There is still time to issue revisions
for calendar year 2016!
Presented By: Jennifer Kinnard - Globe
302: Procurement Cards (P-Cards)- Unified School District & Karin Smith -
Are They For You? Heinfeld, Meech & Co.
Is your District considering the establish-
ment of a p-card program? Does your Dis- 304: Creating a Corrective Action
trict have a p-card program and is looking Plan (CAP)
to minimize the risk of fraud or noncom-
pliance? This session will discuss internal Take some time in this Audit and Compli-
controls over p-card programs to ensure ance Workshop to think about how you
they are used effectively to benefit your ensure that your district makes the most of
school district. its annual audits and reviews by creating
a corrective action plan (CAP). CAPs can
Presented By: Laura Szymanoski - Dys- help you identify actions to improve your
art Unified School District & Jennifer operations, and set realistic goals for imple-
Shields & Sara Kirk - Heinfeld, Meech menting those improvements. In the ses-
& Co. sion we will review the CAP template on
our website and provide examples of how
to address some common audit findings for
Presented By: Arizona Office of the Au-
ditor General
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