Page 21 - The 67th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 21

Friday’s Breakou                                T     s  ession V                 i
                     Friday’s BreakouT session Vi
                                                OCTOBER  30, 2O20
                                                OCTOBER  30, 2O20

                                                Break   out Session VI
                                                Breakout Session VI
                                                    y 2:10
                                                                 to 3:00
                                              Friday 2:10 pm to 3:00 pm
        607: New Procurement Rules
                                                               611: A Beginning Spell Caster’s Guide to
        607: New Procurement R      ules                       611: A Beginning Spell Caster    ’ s Guide to
        A  group  of  dedicated  procurement  officials          Reading ADE reports
                                                                       eading ADE reports
        across the school districts have been working for  If you want to cast a successful spell over your
        many months with representatives of the Audi- school  district, it is important  to  understand
        tor General, the Attorney General, and the State  what your data is telling you.  In this session,
        Board of Education to revise our School District  we will take the ingredients (ADE reports) and
        Procurement Rules.                                     break them down for beginning spell caster’s.
         P V BA                                                 EB  BA
        Presented by:  Gary  Barkman  -  Mesa  Unified  Presented by: Ken  McGovern  - Sierra  Vista
        School District, Anita McLemore - Mohave               Unified School District
        Educational Services Cooperative, Bill Munch -
        Valley Schools & Michelle Hamilton - Mesa Unified
        School District

                                                               612: Tips on Being a Successful School Business
                                                               612:  Tips on Being  a  Successful  School Business
        608:What is Employee Well-being and Why Does
        608:What    is Emplo y ee  W ell-being and  Wh y  Does   Explore the DO’s and Don’ts of School Business
               it Matter?                                      Leadership.
               it Matter?
        Hakuna Matata! This ain’t no passin’ craze. Learn       A  BA CN  MO HP IT  P T  PD EB
        how  employee  well-being  affects  engagement         Presented by: Jeff Gadd - AASBO
        and  productivity. Leave  with a  greater  under-
        standing of why wellness alone is not enough,
        and what programs and resources are available
        to support the overall health of your employees.
         A  BA CN  MO HP IT  P T  PD EB
        Presented by: Angie Stoudemire - Kairos Health
        Arizona, Inc., Michele Hamm - Bridgewell Con-
        sulting & Sandy Cooper - Chandler Unified School

        610: Cleaning & Disinfecting Your Technology
        610: Cleaning & Disinfecting Y    our T echnology
                 Devices to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19
                 D evices to Prev ent  the Spread  of  COVID-19            Track Key:
               in Schools
               in Schools                                         A
        A  toolkit  for  school  staff  to  consider  in  enhanc-       Accounting
        ing technology  in education  while protecting  the          Business Administration
        health, safety, and well-being of students, teach-           Child Nutrition
        ers and staff, families, and communities during the          Maintenance & Operations
        pandemic.                                                    Human Resources & Payroll
         IT  MO                                                   IT
        Presented by:  George  Gerardo  -  West-MEC,                 Information Technology
        Tony Riggs & Andrew Huynh - NeedThese                        Purchasing
                                                                     Professional Development
                                                                     Emerging School Business Professional
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