Page 18 - The 67th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 18

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                                         s Breakou
                     Friday s BreakouT session V
                                                                               ession V
                                                OCTOBER  30, 2O20
                                                OCTOBER  30, 2O20
                                                  Breakout Session V
                                                         out Session V
                                              Friday 12:30 pm to 1:20 pm
                                                                  to 1:20
                                                    y 12:30
                 Track Key:
             Business Administration                           503: New Construction/R     eno v ations - Planning
                                                               503: New Construction/Renovations - Planning
             Child Nutrition                                           and Building for Successful F ood Service
                                                                       and Building for Successful Food Service
             Maintenance & Operations                                  Operations
             Human Resources & Payroll                         Planning  kitchens  for  future  school  food  ser-
             Information Technology                            vice trends and department goals is an import-
             Purchasing                                        ant part of every kitchen project. In this panel
             Transportation                                    discussion, learn who should be involved in the
             Vendor                                            construction/renovation  process,  how  to  get  a
                                                               project  started,  how the  Food Service  budget
             Professional Development                          can ease cost burdens on the district and much
             Emerging School Business Professional             more.
                                                               Presented by: Robert Jacobson - Laveen
                                                               Elementary School District & Dan Ensign -
        501: School Finance Hot T    opic P anel Discussion     Litchfield Elementary School District
        501: School Finance Hot Topic Panel Discussion
        Join us in a panel discussion regarding the most up
        to date hot topics from highly respected and knowl-
        edgeable School Business Leaders. Learn how they
                                                               504: Establishing the Right Team & Partnerships
        navigate through the magic kingdom during these        504:  Establishing the  Right T eam  &  P artnerships
        unprecedented times.                                   Your  district  is not  alone  when  preparing  for
         A  BA                                                 emergencies. You have a number of key com-
        Presented by: Dale Ponder - Crane Elementary           munity partners that can help you with planning,
        School District, Karla Soto - Roosevelt Elementary     drills, expertise, and more! This presentation will
        School District, Ken Hicks - Dysart Unified School     review key players to consider for your team, as
        District & Mike Barragan - Glendale Elementary         well as how to engage your community partners
        School District                                        and include them in your planning efforts.
                                                               Presented by: Jennifer Corry - Higley Unified
        502: COVID & School Operations: A Different
        502: COVID & School Oper      ations: A Different      School District & Kaylee Sorensen - The Trust
                P erspectiv e
        We are bringing together a panel of speakers to
        speak about the COVID crisis and what different
        districts are doing to address the potential loss
                                                               505: Fringe Benefits:  How to Deal With These
        of ADM, changing their style to a hybrid brick/        505: Fringe Benefits:  How to Deal With These
                                                                       Pesky Little Gnats!
        AOl model, how they are interpreting guidance                  P esky Little Gnats!
        by the ADE as well as changes with the usage of        This  session  will  look  at  various  fringe  benefit
        various employee groups.                               issues including, when  are  they  taxable,  when
         BA                                                    are they not, how do you handle them and what
        Presented by: Clementina Carlyle -                     policies should you have in place.
        Baboquivari USD  No.  40,  Renee  Weatherless  -       HP  BA
        Tucson Unified School District & Tom Wohlleber         Presented by: Michael Lauzon - Heinfeld Meech
        - Casa Grande Elementary School District               &  Jill  Barragan  - Avondale  Elementary  School
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