Page 16 - The 67th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 16
Secon d Gen eral Session
Second General Session
October 30
10:00 am to 11:45 am
10:00 am to 11:45 am
General Session & Keynote Address
al Session & K
eynote Address
Back to the Basics: The Fundamentals
Back to the Basics: The Fundamentals
of Extr
aordinary Leadership
of Extraordinary Leadership
thens, USMCR (R
Colonel Arthur J
. A
By: Colonel Arthur J. Athens, USMCR (Ret.)
Great teams, organizations and schools are al-
ways very proficient in the fundamentals that
drive success in their environment. Great lead-
ers are also characterized by their proficiency Colonel Arthur J. Athens,
with the fundamentals of influencing others to USMCR (Ret.)
achieve a common objective. But what are the
fundamentals of extraordinary leadership? This Colonel Athens recently left the federal govern-
presentation addresses the three leadership ment, having served for the past decade as the
fundamentals that differentiate extraordinary Director of the U.S. Naval Academy’s Vice Admiral
leaders from ordinary ones.
James B. Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership
and previously, as the Naval Academy’s first Dis-
tinguished Military Professor of Leadership.
Colonel Athens is a retired Marine Corps officer
with command and staff assignments in all four
Marine Aircraft Wings and an instructor tour with
Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron
One (the Marine Corps’ equivalent to the Navy’s
Top Gun school). He also served as a White House
Fellow under President Ronald Reagan and the
Special Assistant to the NASA Administrator fol-
lowing the Space Shuttle Challenger accident.
Colonel Athens currently speaks around the coun-
try about leading with integrity and works along-
side leaders to help them fulfill their personal and
professional calling.
He is married to the former Mistina Root of Wil-
liamsburg, Virginia and they have ten children.
Note: The First and Second General Session will
begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. followed by key-
note program speakers.