Page 20 - The 67th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 20
Friday’s Breakou T s ession V i
Friday’s BreakouT session Vi
OCTOBER 30, 2O20
OCTOBER 30, 2O20
Breakout Session VI
Break out Session VI
Friday 2:10 pm to 3:00 pm
Frida y 2:10 pm to 3:00 pm
601: The Magical World of Monthly
601: The Magical W orld of Monthly 604: 5 Steps to Green Cleaning
604: 5 Steps to Green Cleaning
R econciliation Green cleaning should be a simple solution,
Do you feel like you have lost the path on the won- not one that overwhelms or bogs you down.
derful world to complete your monthly reconcilia- Green cleaning is about a simple product list,
tion with the county treasurer? Is the line too long simple techniques and a simple goal: Cleaning
to enjoy the ride of reconciliation bliss? Reconcil- for health and the environment. Whether you’re
iation is a beautiful word and does not have to be looking into green cleaning for the very first time
a roller coaster or a spinning cup ride! Join us for or striving to upgrade your existing program,
an overview on how to use Infinite Visions with these steps are intended to simplify the process.
your county treasurers data in completing monthly MO
reconciliations, and YES monthly and timely rec- Presented by: Josh Brown - Western Paper
onciliations can happen in the wonderful world of Distributor & Robert Jacobson - Laveen
school finance! Elementary School District
Presented by: Sara Kirk - Heinfeld Meech,
Colleen Toscano - Osborn Elementary School 606: “Protect your Data” – It’s a Problem Free,
our Data” – It
606: “Protect y
s a Problem Free,
District, Tracy Rockwell - Maricopa County School Philosoph y
Superintendent In today’s day and age, digital data is the life-
blood of your school district. With so many
choices in how and where you store data, do you
have a handle on the care and feeding of that
602: T op 10: T echnology Securit y Best Pr actices data? In this session, attendees will learn how to
602: Top 10: Technology Security Best Practices
for non-IT Personnel ensure that data is protected from both internal
for non-
Security is everyone’s responsibility but it can and external threats. We will also share valuable
be difficult to pierce the IT-jargon veil; join us in information on how to ensure that you’re pre-
a magical journey that will visit the top 10 most pared in the event that your district falls victim
effective business practices you can implement to a virus or ransomware.
in your department to improve the integrity and IT
safe-keeping of critical data. You’ll love the ap- Presented by: Nate Hawkins - Roosevelt School
proachable method intended to help educate District & Matt Bullock & Alexandra In-Albon -
even the most non-techy employees and your Accelera IT Solutions / Visp Group
IT department will appreciate new allies on the
security front.
Presented by: Russell Deneault - Glendale
Elementary School District