Page 19 - The 67th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 19
Friday s BreakouT session V
Friday ’ ’ s Breakou T s ession V
OCTOBER 30, 2O20
OCTOBER 30, 2O20
Breakout Session V
out Session V
to 1:20
y 12:30
Friday 12:30 pm to 1:20 pm
506: E-R ate: Planning and Procedures - 510: Withstanding the W a v es
506: E-Rate: Planning and Procedures -
510: Withstanding the Waves
The Next 5 Y ears Being a princess isn’t always a fairytale. With the
The Next 5 Years
What does the new E-Rate cycle have in store for title, also comes difficult journeys, adversity, and
your district? Prepare and plan now for the time- even social pressures. Although each princess and
lines for filing Category 1 and Category 2 E-Rate. their story can be a little different, all of them are
Find out what the next five years will look like, able to overcome those barriers and succeed –
both similarities and differences. Backwards plan- even if that means going beyond the reef. In this
ning tips and tricks for you to guarantee access to presentation, learn about resilience and what we
E-Rate funding. can do to improve our own ability to bounce back
IT BA when life seems overwhelming.
Presented by: Barry Williams - Apache A BA CN MO HP IT P T PD EB
County Education Service Agency & Presented by: Kendall Taylor - Valley Schools &
David Guziak - Infinity Comm Dr. Carter Davidson - Peoria Unified School
507: What to consider when converting to an
507: What to consider when con v erting to an
Electronic Bidding System
Bidding S
Does the procurement rules allow for electronic
bidding? If so, what are the requirements? What
are some of the systems out there? How are they
procured? How do you post or distribute? How do 512: IDEA Project - D ata Analytics R eporting
512: IDEA Project - Data Analytics Reporting
you have an opening? Do you still need to adver- Have you ever wanted the power to define
tise? Join us to discuss processes, practices and your peer districts and see how you compare
boilerplate changes to consider when utilizing an to them? If so, the AASBO IDEA Project is for
electronic bidding system. you. Whether you are a member of the Project
Presented by: Michelle Hamilton - Mesa Public or thinking about becoming one, come see how
Schools & Anita McLemore - Mohave Educational to obtain comparable data that can help you tell
Services Cooperative Inc. your district’s story. We will show you how use
the Project’s tool, powered by Forcast5 5Sight
Basic, to produce actual data that highlights
508: Let’s Talk about the “T” Word: Transportation
508: Let ’ s T alk about the “T” W ord: T r a nsportation various enrollment and financial aspects of your
and McKinney-Vento district. You will also see how this data can be
Please join the MV Liaison from Phoenix Elemen- formatted easily into a presentation, that can be
tary School #1 and a representative from ALC used to present to your board, superintendent
Schools to talk about best practice methods for and the community.
compliance with Federal McKinney-Vento trans- BA
portation requirements. Learn more about: Best Presented by: Nate Bowler - Glendale Union
Interest Determinations, behavior while students High School District, Melissa Higdon &
are on various modes of transportation, how to Adam Saleem - Forecast5 Analytics
choose 3rd party vendors to help with your trans-
port needs and how Phoenix #1 secures funding
for some of their MV transportation costs. Hosts
will share helpful forms and real life scenarios to
assist your team to better serve this special pop-
Presented by: Sara Sims - Phoenix Elementary
School District & Josie Wilkes - ALC Schools