Page 13 - The 67th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 13

Friday Morning Agenda

                                                                                   The  exhibit  market  place

                                                                                   will be open from 8:00AM
                                                                                   to 4:00PM on Wednesday

                                                                                   - Friday.
                                                                                   Wednesday  will be  the
                                                                                   only  day  without  other

                                                                                   conference activities.

           Morning Wellness with Valley Schools!

                     Relax and unwind with a
                     restorative yoga class on:
           Friday, October 30th from 8:00-8:30am.

           The intention of this class is to find cen-
           ter, balance, and peace amongst all of life’s
           changes.    Journey  through  each  pose  to
           experience the many physical and mental                Yoga increases body awareness, relieves

           health benefits.
                                                                  stress, reduces muscle tension, strain,
                                                                  and inflammation, sharpens attention
                                                                  and concentration, and calms and cen-

                                                                  ters the nervous system. Leave this yoga
                                                                  class feeling renewed, refreshed, and
                                                                  ready to start the day!
                                                                  Instructed by: Riley Long -

                                                                  Wellness Coordinator, Valley Schools
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