Page 9 - The 67th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 9

Thursday s BreakouT session ii
                 Thursday                   ’ ’ s Breakou                 T     s  ession               ii
                                                OCTOBER  29, 2O20
                                                OCTOBER  29, 2O20

                                                 Breakout Session II
                                                 Break   out Session II
                                            Thursday 12:30 pm to 1:20 pm

                                                                                                   Enduring Br
                                                               2 210: The Wonderful World of An Enduring Brand
                                                                                        orld of
                                                                     The W
                                                               Lessons from Disney U About:
        207:Procurement Market Research and Analysis
        207:Procurement Mark      et R esearch and Analysis    Leadership, Trust & Story-Telling
        Research, analysis, and intelligence to arrive at      Disney stands the test of time as the ultimate
        the  most suitable approach  to procuring  com-        icon of applied imagination. How did Walt Disney
        modities, services and construction.                   create “The Happiest Place on Earth?” What are
         P V  BA                                               the secrets behind its employee development
        Presented by: Kevin Startt, Diana Kerfoot &            dynasty? And how does it reinforce its organiza-
        Teresa Chapman - Tucson Unified School District        tional values, culture, and brand on a day-to-day
                                                               During this leadership workshop, Doug will share
        208: Transportation Policies and Record                how Disney continues to capture and inspire the
        208: T
                                olicies and R
                ansportation P
                Retention Guidelines
                R etention Guidelines                          hearts  and  minds  of  thousands  of  employees
        Whether you are a transportation administrator,        around the globe through an unwavering devo-
        driver trainer, or other staff member responsi-        tion to the core values established by Walt him-
        ble for reviewing and maintaining driver training      self. Doug’s career working directly with Disney
        files and certifications, this class will discuss re-  visionaries, and  at the helm of  the  legendary
        tention and certification guidelines. We will also     Disney  University  training team,  provides the
        discuss the benefits of utilizing a transportation     backdrop for powerful, intriguing, and imagina-
        handbook and a self-audit handbook to help you         tion-sparking stories.
        organize and maintain your driver and mainte-           A  BA CN  MO HP IT  P T V PD EB
        nance files. Additionally, we will look at report-     Presented  by:  Doug  Lipp  -  AASBO’s  Keynote
        ing procedures  and  record keeping processes,         Speaker
        and  offer  suggestions  to  help  streamline  your
        maintenance tracking system.
                                                               211: I Don’t Know What I Don’t Know!
         T  HP                                                 211: I D on’ t  Know  What I  D on’ t  Know!
        Presented by: Jason Nelson - Kyrene                    Are you floundering in the shadows, lost in the
        Elementary School District & Stephanie Arbaugh         dark? How are you going to make sure all re-
        - The Trust                                            quired  tasks  get  completed  and  deadlines  get
                                                               met?  Head  to  the  light and  we’ll discuss  key
                                                               tasks and timelines critical to various operation-
        209:A Da   y in the Life of a V endor: It nev er w as   al areas of the business office.  We’ll help you
        209:A Day in the Life of a Vendor: It never was
               all coffee meetings and happ   y hours          conjure  up  a  tool  for  your  management  team
               all coffee meetings and happy hours
        A  Day in the  Life  of  a  Vendor:  It’s never  was   to track the completion of tasks and ensure key
        all  coffee  meetings  and  happy  hours.    Come      duties  have  been  completed  in  a  ship  shape
        take a sneak peek, behind the scenes look, at          manner within the required timelines.  This ses-
        what  a  vendor  does  all day  and  how vendors       sion will help you take the right steps towards
        are adapting to the new social distancing guide-       what this tool should include and discover ways
        lines.  Learn the answer to “what is it we do all      of engaging and enlightening your team on the
        day,  anyways?”,  focusing  on  maintaining  rela-     completion of tasks encouraging accountability,
        tionships and curating new opportunities during        teamwork, and cross training.
        COVID.                                                 EB BA
         V                                                     Presented by: Sara Kirk - Heinfeld Meech &
        Presented by: Jen Rehse - Sport Surfaces               Linda Virgil - Peoria Unified School  District
        Distributing Inc. & Anita Case - Cartwright
        School District
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