Page 8 - The 67th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 8
Thursday ’ ’ s Breakou T s ession ii
Thursday s BreakouT session ii
OCTOBER 29, 2O20
OCTOBER 29, 2O20
Breakout Session II
out Session II
Thursday 12:30 pm to 1:20 pm
ance, P
atience and Creativit
204: P
204: Perseverance, Patience and Creativity
201: Using Data Mining and Analytics to Detect Presenters will take you on a journey that took
201: Using Data Mining and Analytics to Detect
Fr aud & Misuse of District Monies - 4 1/2 years and many different parties to put
Fraud & Misuse of District Monies -
All In Excel
All In Ex cel together a deal to acquire land for a new school.
“Finance Director Convicted of Embezzling from It involved a land swap, an IGA with the city of
District!” “School District Loses Millions in Fraud Phoenix, multiple developers, the School Facil-
Case Involving Fake Vendors!” Have you seen ities Board and many attorneys. See why this
headlines like these in the news? Establish sim- project was awarded a Pinnacle Award from
ple tools using Excel that allow you to dig deeply ASBO International
into financial data to detect fraud. This session MO P
presents tips and techniques for using data min- Presented by: Kevin Hegarty & Anita Percell -
ing as a strategy to detect and prevent fraud Laveen Elementary School District
and misuse of public monies. Learn easy-to-im-
plement methods for processing and analyzing
205:SDER Reporting
data from accounts payable, payroll, and gen- 205: SDER R eporting
eral ledgers to detect errors, fraud, and misuse The School District Employee Report (SDER)
of funds. fulfills the requirements of A.R.S. 15-941 which
A BA HP P IT requires that teacher experience data be trans-
Presented by: Karin Smith - Heinfeld Meech & mitted annually to the Superintendent of Public
Mike Martinez - Maricopa County Educational Instruction. ADE captures this data through the
Services Agency SDER application. This data is required to cal-
culate your District’s Teacher Experience Index
(TEI) which may increase your budget limit and
202: COVID Grants – Part 2 – What Districts
202: COVID Gr ants – P art 2 – What Districts equalization assistance. This session will explain
Need to Now Know for ESG and ESSER
Need to Now Know for ESG and ES SER the requirement, explore the application, and
Districts will be receiving their ESG allocations provide details on how TEI impacts your LEA.
very soon. The next step will be for Districts HP EB
to revise their budgets and submit payment re- Presented by: Irene Garcia-Hobbs &
quests based on their final allocations. This will Monica Paz - Arizona Department of Education
also have implications on revisions to the ESSER
grant based on expenses that may have been
206: Easy Steps to Starting Your Cybersecurity
reclassified to ESG. This session will review a 206: Easy Steps to Starting Y our Cybersecurit y
few hot topics including: R oadMap
• How to revise the ESG application to eCivis Evaluate your cyber posture and grade your dis-
• What documentation will be required for ESG trict against national standards.
payments (examples of pay journals, invoices, etc.) IT
• How to revise the ESSER application through Presented by: Lynette Brehm - Gradient
GME Cyber & Russell Deneault - Glendale
• What documentation will be required for ESSER Elementary School District
payments (GME reports)
Presented by: Peter Lang - Arizona Depart-
ment of Education, Bryce Haws - Arizona Gover-
nor’s Office OSPB, ERMT,Matt Hanson - Arizona
Governor’s Office OSPB, ERMT & Anna Haney -
Arizona Governor’s Office OSPB, ERMT