Page 7 - The 67th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 7
Lunch Break & Networking Lounge
Exciting Activities Designed for the Enjoyment of All!
Ex citing Ac tivities Designed f or the Enjo yment of All!
Conference activities have been planned to give you an opportunity to meet, mingle and
network with your colleagues and the vendor representatives who have come to our virtual
conference to make this a rewarding experience for everyone. You will be truly appreciative
of the people who make school business management such a fun and worthwhile profession.
We know a normal lunch break “to-
day” would mean socially distancing
yourself from your co-workers and
eating alone, but AASBO wants to
bring back those lunch breaks catch-
ing up with each others lives!
We will be offering AASBO Network-
ing rooms during both our lunch
break for you to gather with friends,
network with vendors, or meet new
people in your area of work!
We know this will never replace the
experience of in-person gathering but
we hope you will be able to see some
of our conference go-ers and still
have a rewarding experience. Don’t want people watching you eat lunch? No prob-
lem! The AASBO Expo hall will be open and vendor’s
will have giveaways and the AASBO Scavenger hunt
will still be in full swing! Take this time to see the latest
and greatest from our AASBO Vendors.
Attend a Product Showcase Webinar!
At tend a P r oduc t Sho w c a se W ebinar!
During the conference, navigate on over to Product Showcase
Webinars schedule! Here you will find our AASBO Vendors who
have set up webinars to show you whats new with their company!
Check out the times of showings and what there is to offer!
Showcase Times:
Wednesday: Any time(s) between 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM, 9:25 AM, 11:50 AM, 1:25 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM, 9:25 AM, 11:50 AM, 1:25 PM