Page 6 - The 67th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 6
eral Session
First Gen
First General Session
October 29
10:00 am to 11:45 am
10:00 am to 11:45 am
General Session & Keynote Address
Gener al Session & K eynote Address
An ything is P ossible … With “Y es, If ”
Anything is Possible … With “Yes, If”
alt Disney About:
4 Lessons from W
4 Lessons from Walt Disney About:
esilience, Learning & Creativit
Resilience, Learning & Creativity
By: Doug Lipp
By: Doug Lipp
“Do more with less.” “Cut budgets.” “Improve
service.” The COVID-19 pandemic has turned Doug Lipp
our world upside down and begs the following
• How do you deal with challenging situations?
• When in a situation that you “can’t control,” Candid. Passionate. Relevant. Doug Lipp is on a crusade
what options do you actually have? to help organizations strengthen their corporate culture,
For some organizations, burnout and employee boost business performance, and unapologetically, have
turnover is the outcome. Others rise higher, tak- fun while doing it.
ing their creativity, energy, and strategies to the Doug is a distinguished international consultant, eight-
next level. Which do you choose and how do you time author, and former head of training at the legendary
get there? Disney University. His latest book is the best-selling Dis-
Far from a doom and gloom presentation, Doug’s ney U: How Disney University Develops the World’s Most
engaging (and often funny) style will get your Engaged, Loyal, and Customer-Centric Employees.
creative juices flowing. Doug will share unfor- At age 29, Doug’s celebrated talent catapulted him to the
gettable examples of resilience and creativity helm of the legendary Disney University training team
learned during his career at The Walt Disney at Walt Disney corporate headquarters. Fluent in Japa-
Company. nese, Doug also helped Disney open its first international
theme park as a member of the Tokyo Disneyland start-
Note: The First and Second General Session will begin promptly at up team.
10:00 a.m. followed by keynote program speakers.
Drawing on his 30 plus years of combined experience at
Disney and in private practice, Doug inspires and chal-
lenges hundreds of organizations worldwide. In presenta-
tions, he shares how Disney overcame spectacular stra-
tegic challenges to unleash one of the most improbable
success stories in corporate history.
Through riveting examples and powerful, relevant sto-
ries about innovation, service, value and leadership,
Doug pulls back the curtain and reveals the behaviors,
tools and attitudes that are representative of cultural ex-
cellence at Disney and other great institutions. He also
discusses common organizational traps that undermine
companies and impede their ability to build a thriving and
sustainable culture.