Page 5 - The 67th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 5
Thursday ’ ’ s Breakou T s ession i
Thursday s BreakouT session i
OCTOBER 29, 2O20
OCTOBER 29, 2O20
out Session I
Breakout Session I
Thursday 8:30 am to 9:20 am
and how
ole in COVID
106: Cyber Tips for CFOs
106: Cyber Tips for CFOs 1 109: HVAC’s Role in COVID19 and how to
Do you have cyber security fatigue? Are you Maintain Healthy Building Operations Maintain Healthy Building Operations
overwhelmed with the possibilities of what a Now that everyone has a plan for re-opening, how do we
cyber event could mean for you as a business maintain a healthy building environment to learn and work
in. This discussion will focus on the role HVAC has in the
manager or CFO? In this session, we’ll take a mitigation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Indoor air quality is
step back and discuss what cyber incidents are part of your solution and we will cover some of the guide-
occurring in Arizona educational institutions and lines proposed by CDC and ASHRAE. We will also talk
what steps you can take to prevent them. about some products that are available in the market place
and how they help with mitigation and the best practices
Presented by: Ken Hicks - Dysart Unified on how to implement.
School District & Ruth Unks- Arizona School Risk Presented by: Chuck Hink - Pueblo Mechanical
Retention Trust & Martin James - Deer Valley Unified School
107: Beauty and the Beast: From Solicitation
107: Beaut y and the Beast: From Solicitation District
(Beaut y) to Da y -to-Da y Contr act
(Beauty) to Day-to-Day Contract
Administr ation (The Beast)
Administration (The Beast)
110: Women and Money: Taking Control of Your
Here’s your chance to see, work and gauge the con- 110: W ome n and Money: T aking Control of Y our
tract from inside-out. When do you consider contract Financial Future
Financial Future
administration? Who do you include with this process? The economic clout of females is undeniable but
Do you hold a kick-off meeting? Do you have a formal often women do not seek the assistance of fi-
process for closing documents? Were there any chal- nancial professionals. This seminar helps women
lenges with the last contract? Is this a new contract? understand their unique life circumstances as-
How do you know if things need to be changed for the sociated with their longevity and finances. Ann
next go around on this contract? Learn some simple highlights the importance of creating a plan for
best practice points to steer you in the right direction
for monitoring your contract. your varying life stages before, during and after
P V BA retirement and how crucial it is to work with a
Presented by: Gary Barkman & financial professional as you plan.
Bobby Williams II - Mesa Unified School District A BA CN MO HP IT P T V PD EB
Presented by: Amy Hughes - The Female Affect
& Lizette Huie - Sahuarita Unified School District
108: Transportation Reporting - Are You Moving
108: T r ansportation R eporting - Are Y ou Mo ving
in the Right Direction? 111: Arizona School Finance
in the Right Direction?
ona School Finance
111: Ariz
Transportation reporting can run off course at Session is an overview of school funding in Arizona
times. It is important to understand the required for newbies to the school district business world and
reporting requirements on both route miles and interested school district professionals in other dis-
eligible students. Including allowable contracted ciplines. During this session you’ll become acquaint-
transportation may take you on a detour along the ed with the most commonly tossed around school
way. This session will review the requirements of funding acronyms (QTR, 123, Prop 301, SETR, TNT,
transportation reporting but also provide practical M&O); the blurry lines between maintenance and op-
tools to take back to your district that have been eration funding and capital funding; and the unique
successful with small and large districts. Effective challenges associated with capital needs and capi-
internal auditing procedures will be discussed so tal funding. This is a full presentation designed to
you can get your transportation reporting moving leave you with a solid overview of the conglomeration
in the right direction. known as Arizona school funding.
Presented by: Brian Lockery - Kyrene Presented by: Randie Stein - Stifel, Nicolaus &
Elementary School District & Monica Paz - ADE Company, Inc. & Chuck Essigs - AASBO