Page 4 - The 67th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 4

Thursday                  ’ ’ s Breakou                  T    s   ession               i
                  Thursday s BreakouT session i
                                                OCTOBER 29, 2O20
                                                OCTOBER 29, 2O20

                                                  Breakout Session I
                                                  Break   out Session I
                                             Thursday 8:30 am to 9:20 am

        Track Key:                                             103: P ermitting for Fundr  aisers, Concession
                                                               103: Permitting for Fundraisers, Concession
             Accounting                                                Stands, Student Stores and After Hours
                                                                       Stands, Student Stores and After Hours
                                                                       School Events
             Business Administration                                   School Ev ents
             Child Nutrition                                   Maricopa County Environmental Service Depart-
             Maintenance & Operations                          ment  will  discuss the  process  and  procedures
             Human Resources & Payroll                         for acquiring the appropriate permits for fund-
                                                               raisers,  concession  stands,  student  stores  and
             Information Technology                            after hours school events.
             Purchasing                                        CN
             Transportation                                    Presented by: David Morales RS, REHS -
             Vendor                                            Maricopa County Environmental Services
             Professional Development                          Department
             Emerging School Business Professional
                                                               104: The Magic is in YOU! Every Student Deserves

                                                                     to Succeed

                                                                       to Succeed
                                                               Student and Teacher Engagement Index and Outcomes: Does
                                                               the built environment impact student and teacher engage-
                                                               ment and outcomes? Data has always shown a link between
                                                               human behavior and the built environment, but recently pub-
                                                               lished data shows a high-level of significance specific to stu-
        101: Explore the Magical Powers of GASB
        101: Explore the   Magical P owers of  GA SB           dent and teacher engagement. The four critical factors that
        Is your school district ready for the implementa-      impact learning are: flexibility for the task environment and
        tion of Governmental Accounting Standards Board        the activities they do; individualization, or the personal envi-
        (GASB) Statements 84 Fiduciary Activities and 87       ronment linked to every student’s priorities; naturalness and
        Leases?  This session will outline what you need to    nature, or the natural environment linked to health and well-
                                                               ness; and finally stimulation, or the spatial environment that
        do to prepare for a successful implementation of       reflects each school culture and context. Not only does the
        both standards.  Guidance will be provided on how      criteria for student and teacher engagement provide for bet-
        to evaluate existing lease agreements, where the       ter outcomes, it also substantially improves operational out-
        District may serve as either the lessor or lessee for   comes. Come learn about examples of implementation and
                                                               case studies by AZ administrators and educators.
        accurate reporting in your asset records and finan-    MO BA
        cial statements.                                       Presented by: Jim Lamb - Queen Creek Unified
         A  BA
        Presented by:  Christopher  Heinfeld  -  Heinfeld      School District, David Schmidt - DLR Group &
                                                               Tom Huffman - Agua Fria Unified School District
        Meech & Nate Bowler - Glendale Union High School
        District                                               105: The Million Dollar Bonus
                                                                     The Million Dollar Bonus
                                                               Everyone  wants  a  bonus!  Staff  members  may
                                                               be  surprised  to  learn  about  bonus  opportunities
                  ond the New T
        102: Bey
                                  eacher Orientation -
        102: Beyond the New Teacher Orientation -
                                         am for Y
                            aining Progr
                                                   our Staff
                Building a Training Program for Your Staff     throughout  the  course  of  their  employment  with
                Building a T
                                                               your district and upon retirement from their invest-
        This session will  explore  the  options of  cram-     ment in the Arizona State Retirement System. Ed-
        ming all the business office training during a lim-    ucating your current and future employees about
        ited time frame during back to school orientation      such benefits may increase recruitment opportuni-
        for teachers and school based staff.                   ties and retention while building loyalty and trust.
         BA                                                    HP BA
        Presented by: Lana Berry - Chandler Unified            Presented by: Laura Elizondo - Avondale
        School District & Karin Smith - Heinfeld Meech         Elementary School District,  Teresa Wong &
                                                               Barbara Goodwin - Glendale Elementary School
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