Page 11 - The 67th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
P. 11

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                                            s Breakou
                 Thursday s BreakouT session iii

                                                OCTOBER  29, 2O20
                                                OCTOBER  29, 2O20
                                                 Breakout Session III
                                                        out Session III
                                             Thursday 2:10 pm to 3:00 pm
        307: Strategies For Purchasing Below the
        307: S tr a tegies F or Purcha sing  Below  the
                  Formal Threshold


        The USFR says written quotes are generally needed      310: Budgeting in the Unknown Zone: Using
                                                               310: Budgeting in the Unknown Z
                                                                                                    one: Using
        when cumulative purchases fall below the $100,000              Cash Flow to Inform Financial Scenario
                                                                       Cash Flow to Inform Financial Scenario
        bid threshold. But what if you use a cooperative con-          Dev elopment
        tract?  Are  there  other  compliant  procurement  op-  While the future is uncertain, underlying fundamen-
        tions? This session will explore the various methods   tals like fluctuating ADM and participation in school
        to  make  these  informal  purchases,  including multi-  meal programs can have a profound impact on bud-
        year  quotes.  You  will  come  away  with various  best   gets and fiscal operations. More than ever, keeping
        practices to make these purchases effective and ef-    your eye on key indicators, like cash, can help dis-
        ficient and make all your procurement dreams come      tricts navigate an  ever-changing  environment.  Join
        true.                                                  us to learn how insights from cash flow monitoring
         P V BA                                                can be used to support data-informed decisions and
        Presented by: Anita Case - Cartwright School           help you develop a clearer picture of the impact of
        District & Bill Munch - Valley Schools                 unknowns  on  future  district budgets.  We’ll  explore
                                                               the development and modeling of budget forecasts;
        308:Critical Transportation Regulation Updates
        308:Critical T r ansportation  R egulation Updates     how using these forecasts can increase understand-

                                our D
                      y Affect Y
              That Ma
                 That May Affect Your District                 ing and  transparency  with  superintendents,  school
        Recent federal changes and key updates are happen- boards, and the community; and the ways in which
        ing  in  transportation  world  that  affect  your  district  these methods can also be instrumental in informing
        if you employ staff that have a Commercial Driver’s  current-year decision making.
        License. Federal drug and alcohol test reporting, new   BA
        federal training requirements, and motor vehicle re-   Presented by: Melissa Higdon - Forecast5
        cord requirements are a few of the topics that you will   Analytics & Ryan French - Littleton Elementary
        be receiving updates on.  You will receive information   School District
        about what is required of you, when the changes are
        taking place, and resources to help your transporta-
        tion team adapt to the changes.
                                                               311: Accounting for the Non- Accountant
        Presented by: Jason Nelson - Kyrene                    311: A ccounting  for  the  Non-  Accounta nt
        Elementary School District &                           When  you  realize  a  journal  entry  you  posted
        Stephanie Arbaugh - The Trust                          had the desired effect, do ever feel like you just
                                                               pulled a rabbit out of a hat?  Well you don’t have
        309:  Hea lth y Learning  En vironments  T a k es More    to have a magician on staff to keep your school
        309: Healthy Learning Environments Takes More
                than Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust! Empowering     district’s accounting records in order!  This ses-

                   aith, T

             School D

                             to Mak
                                             esign D
                                      etter D
                School Districts to Make Better Design Decisions  sion will  provide you with accounting   funda-
                                   e B

        Every school district faces unique challenges. Instead   mentals  to  add  to  your  collection  of  school  fi-
        of “one-size fits all’ answers, we explore four critical  nance potions to ensure you have the recipe for
        factors that impact learning: flexibility, individualiza- success.
        tion,  naturalness and nature, and stimulation. Join   EB A
        us to learn what research says will have the greatest   Presented by: Karin Smith - Heinfeld Meech &
        cumulative impact on student and teacher engage-       Kimberly  Dugdale  -  St.  Johns  Unified  School
        ment and well-being and how data impacted design       District
        decisions in 3 districts across Arizona.
         BA  MO
        Presented by: Laura Felten- Paradise Valley
        USD, Bob Kuhn - Flagstaff USD, Dr. Lori Shough
        - Liberty ESD,  Katrina Leach, Carmen Wyckoff
        & Travis Taullie - DLR Group
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