Page 3 - 2017 Vendor/Buyer Conference
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Biography of Keynote Speaker
Conference Keynote Speaker including student discipline, student records,
HIPAA matters, Voting Rights Act matters and
constitutional issues. He has advised governing
Ernie Calderón boards on statutory and procedural issues and
Frazer Ryan Goldberg and Arnold, LLP sensitive Open Meeting Law matters. He has
Ernest Calderón has been involved in education extensive experience in representing educa-
policy matters for over thirty years. He served tional entities in all aspects of the Procurement
an eight year plus term and is President Emeritus and construction process, includ including ad-
of the Arizona Board of Regents. Ernest recent- ministrative hearings, arbitration, and litiga-
ly completed his term on the Council of Board tion. He has been involved in the negotiation
Chairs of the Association of Governing Boards and drafting of complex intergovernmental
of Universities and Colleges (“AGB”). He has agreements and compacts.
over thirty years of experience in representing
geographically diverse, school districts (public Ernest is a past president of the State Bar of
and private), universities and community col- Arizona, a member of the prestigiousAmerican
leges throughout the southwest. He has served Law Institute and is an “AV Preeminent” rated
as adjunct faculty at Northern Arizona Univer- lawyer as noted in the Martindale-Hubbell di-
sity, Arizona State University and Phoenix Col- rectory. Prior to going into private practice,
lege (part of the Maricopa County Community Mr. Calderon served as corporate counsel to
College District). Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Arizona and Ari-
zona Public Service Company after serving as
He served on former Arizona Governor Janet law clerk to Senior U.S. District Judge Walter
Napolitano’s School Readiness and P-20 Coun- E. Craig. He received an honorary Doctorate
cils, serves on the Arizona School Safety Board of Humane Letters from Northern Arizona
and serves on an advisory committee to the University in 2013.
Arizona School Superintendent. Ernest is an ac-
tive board member of the Northern Arizona A sixth generation native of what was once
University Foundation and is an immediate New Mexico Territory and a native of Moren-
past member of the WESTEd educational labo- ci, Arizona, Ernest graduated from Northern
ratory board of directors. He is an adjunct full Arizona University, the University of Arizona
professor in the Northern Arizona University College of Law and has done executive gradu-
College of Education in its Educational Leader- ate work at Northwestern University. He is
ship program. Arizona’s first Harry S Truman Scholar in the
inaugural Truman Scholar Class of 1977. Ernie
He is a partner in the Frazer Ryan Goldberg is the father of four children who have attend-
& Arnold law firm, a prestigious Arizona law ed public (including charter) & private (includ-
firm. He has regularly handled investigations of ing parochial) schools and are now attending
teacher misconduct, teacher termination hear- Arizona State University and the University of
ings, and defense against employee claims of Notre Dame.
discrimination and sexual harassment. He has
provided advice and representation on numer-
ous student issues,
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