Page 7 - 2017 Vendor/Buyer Conference
P. 7

Breakout Session  I I I

         301: The Anatomy of Best and Final                    303: How to Use Qualified Select
                Offers - Part 1                                        Bidders List

         Best  and  Final  offers  are  a  key  tool  in  Learn from a team of experts, how to use
         clarifying, and providing additional infor-           this selection process for establishing a list

         mation in order to make a final decision.  of best-qualified prime contractors or con-
         This tool also allows Offerors to formally  struction  material  suppliers  for  a  specific,
         amend their proposals.  To assist in a posi-          single project.
         tive outcome in the responses received to
         your best and final offer, use of discussions         Presented By: Karen Fleetwood &
         can assist the procurement officer of pre-            Michelle Hamilton - Mesa Public Schools
         senting  the  information  to  be  requested;
         thus allowing the Offeror to fully under-
         stand the question prior to submitting their

                                                               304: Warehouse vs. J.I.T.
         Presented  By:  Michael  Carter,  CPPB  &                     (Just in Time)
         Mark DiBlasi, CPPB - Mohave
         Educational Services Cooperative Inc.                 Panel  members  will  answer  questions

                                                               and share personal challenges and strat-

                                                               egies  of  ordering  school  district  sup-
         302: Materials Disposition / GFA                      plies that will save money and resources

                                                               while maintaining efficiency, quality of
         A great deal of attention is devoted to the           merchandise and customer service.
         acquisition of equipment. However what
         is best practice in regards to the disposal of
         District property? This course will address           Presented By:  Lari Staples & Cary Case -
         current trends and the future of disposition          Peoria Unified School District
         of equipment.

         Presented By: David Wood - The

         Professional  Group  Public  Consulting
         Inc. & Joseph Leon - Mesa Public Schools

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