Page 6 - 2017 Vendor/Buyer Conference
P. 6
Breakout Session I I
201: Annual Contract Renewals 203: How to Interview the Architects
From the Owners and Architects
A panel discussion where members can dis- Viewpoint
cuss and share tips about the various steps
that they follow with contracts during an- Learn best practice points for how to per-
nual contract renewals. form the interview process properly for Ar-
chitects. Things you should do and things
Presented By: Mark DiBlasi - Mohave you should not do when going through the
Educational Services Cooperative Inc. interview process. Learn what irks both the
& Lari Staples - Peoria Unified School Architect and Owner from their own view
District & Claudia Leon - Paradise Valley point.
School District & Nancy Colbaugh - Presented By: Scott Sowinski - DPS
Mohave Educational Services Coopera- Design & Bonnie Gonzales - H2 Group
tive Inc. & Howard Kropp - Washington
Elementary School District & Scott Beck
202: What’s in an IFB/RFP/RFQ Bid
When it comes to Auditors showing up in 204: Vendor Damages and How to
your office, the best way to immediately Handle
make them happy is to have organized file
folders for your solicitations. This session What terms and conditions do you put in
will provide you a way to organize your your solicitations for damages. How do
file so you can be assured that you have you proceed documenting the damages
everything you need, when you need it. and how far have you had to go to make
If you are new to Purchasing you will find them pay for damages, etc. Let’s discuss
this session very helpful and if you have best practices for handling damages that
been in Purchasing for a while but contin- result in quick response time and replace-
ue to get audit hits for not having a docu- ments.
ment you may want to attend.
Presented By: Ernie Calderón - Frazer
Presented By: Michelle Hamilton & Ryan Goldberg and Arnold, LLP &
Karen Fleetwood - Mesa Public Schools Johnny Miller & Joseph Leon - Mesa
Public Schools & Peggy Ferrin - Tempe
Union High School District
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