Page 5 - 2017 Vendor/Buyer Conference
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Breakout Session I
101: Boiler Plate Basics! What’s it all 103: Streamlining the RFQ Process
This will be an overview of how the stream-
What’s in our boilerplates? What is includ- lining process works between APDM and
ed in each section of the boilerplate? What Specified Professional Services. Learn best
and why does this information go into the practices for helping the streamlining pro-
Uniform Instructions? Uniform General cess, as can only be told by Mr. APDM him-
Terms and Conditions? Special Terms and self, Ken Carter.
Conditions? Special Instructions?
Presented By: Ken Carter - 1GPA
Presented By: Tom Pickrell - Mesa Public
104: Procuring Design and Construction
Services - What’s Legal & What’s
102: Purchasing with Federal Grant Just Good Practice
Money This presentation is a refresher on the legal re-
quirements and best practices in procurement of
Purchasing with Federal Grants Money can design professionals and contractors under the
be tricky and confusing. What is OMB? Qualifications Base Selection processes in Arizo-
What is allowed? What isn’t allowed? na. Addressing the processes for Architect, En-
What is EPLS and what do I do with it? gineer, CMAR, Design-Build and JOC contracts,
Spend time with an industry expert as she it briefly covers the statutory requirements for
helps you through the do’s and don’ts, the each type of selection and what practices should
be followed to ensure the most successful and ef-
can’s and can’ts. ficient selection process for all parties involved.
Just because your district has been procuring de-
Presented By: Caroline Brackley - The sign professionals and contractors for years, or
Professional Group Public Consulting your company has submitted on and won multi-
Inc. & Michelle Hamilton - Mesa Public ple QBS based selections, it’s not time to rest on
your laurels. Attendees at this presentation will
Schools be exposed to the good, the bad, and the ugly
in current selection activity across Arizona, and
will be challenged to turn their organization into
a QBS Owner or Vendor of choice by a former
owner and design professional with hundreds of
QBS panels participated on or facilitated, and
over $1 billion in APDM projects procured and
Presented By: Jeffery A. Kramer -
Alliance for Construction Excellence
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