Page 8 - 2017 Vendor/Buyer Conference
P. 8
Breakout Session I V
401: The Anatomy of Best and Final 403: Local Vendor Outreach through
Offers - Part 2 Subcontracting Opportunities
Second part of Session 301 We all want our local vendors to have the
Best and Final offers are a key tool in best chance to compete for our business in an
clarifying, and providing additional in- open market competition. But what about
formation in order to make a final deci- those small vendors without the financial or
sion. This tool also allows Offerors to other resources needed to win a contract?
formally amend their proposals. To assist This presentation discusses how the small, lo-
in a positive outcome in the responses cal vendor can become a part of the team by
received to your best and final offer, use partnering with a JOC General Contractor.
of discussions can assist the procurement
officer of presenting the information to Presented By: Cheryl Burt - Tolleson Union
be requested; thus allowing the Offeror High School District & Jessica Clanton &
to fully understand the question prior to Justin Hermann - Sun Valley Builders
submitting their response.
Presented By: Michael Carter & Mark 404: Modern Cooperatives - Which
DiBlasi - Mohave Educational Services Direction Do I Turn?
Cooperative Inc.
Cooperative purchasing has a new twist over
the past few years. Where do we draw the line?
402: New USDA Requirements for What should we look for in a reputable coop-
Food Solicitations erative? Does cooperative purchasing help the
public procurement process or does it take an-
As you may already know, the USDA other direction with new problems for public
changed the solicitation requirements procurement? Is greed a factor? Are people tru-
for purchases made using Federal funds. ly gauging the compliance of contracts?
Join the Arizona Department of Educa- Let’s hear from procurement officials themselves.
tion and learn what terms and conditions This panel discussion should not only help to
answer some of the questions public procure-
need to be incorporated within the solic- ment personnel have, but it should also help to
itation as well as additional requirements bring some of the problem areas to the front.
for purchases made under the Child Nu-
trition Programs.
Presented By: Rebecca Seifert - Tempe
Presented By: Julie Shelton & Veronica ESD & Maria Reed - Gilbert Public Schools
Cramer - Arizona Department of Edu- & Laura Szymanoski - Dysart USD & Eva
cation Dino - Alhambra ESD & Bill Munch - Val-
ley Schools Management Group & Gary
Page 8 Barkman - Mesa Public Schools