Page 2 - Vendor Buyer Conference Brochure 2022
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Desert Willow
              8:00 AM - 9:00 AM  Registration & Continental Breakfast
                                                                        Conference Center
              9:00 AM - 9:15 AM  Welcome & Conference Overview

             9:15 AM - 10:05 AM  General Session & Keynote Address
                                                                            4340 E Cotton Center Blvd.
             10:10 AM - 11:00 AM  Breakout Session I
                                                                                  Phoenix, AZ 85040
             11:05 AM - 11:55 AM  Breakout Session II

             12:00 PM - 1:00 PM  Lunch

              1:00 PM - 1:50 PM  Breakout Session III
              1:50 PM - 2:05 PM  Break

              2:10 PM - 3:00 PM  Breakout IV

              3:05 PM - 4:00 PM  Vendor Q&A Happy Hour

                       4:00 PM   Adjournment

               ED JIMENEZ

               Director of the Arizona State                                    State of

                      Procurement Office

                                                               Public and private procurement practices can
                                                               vary widely. Though,  both  sectors  have  one
                                                               key similarity making them  more  alike  than
                                                               one would think: Customer Service. In
                                                               procurement, understanding your customers’
                                                               needs is of the utmost importance. But, how
                                                               do you do that? How do you understand your
                                                               customers  sufficiently  enough  to  effectively
                                                               execute a contract,  especially  when there’s
                                                               such a wide variety of needs, wants, and laws
                                                               to abide by? Hear from the State of Arizona’s
                                                               State Procurement Administrator, Ed Jimenez,
                                                               whose background stems from both the
                                                               public and private sector, on how to engage
                                                               internal and external stakeholders and
                   VENDOR/BUYER                                provide “Customer Service Second to None”,
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        P a ge  2                                              while also following your procurement code.
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