Page 7 - Vendor Buyer Conference Brochure 2022
P. 7

DESCRIPTIONS                                        402: Contract Administration
                                                                     What happens once the contract is award-
                 2:10 PM - 3:00 PM                                   ed?  - You’ve  successfully  completed  the

                                                                     procurement  process  and  you  think your
            401: Strategies for                                      work is done…not  so  fast!  The contract
            Purchasing Below the Formal                              is awarded, now the fun begins. Contract
            Threshold                                                management  is a viable element  in  en-
                                                                     suring district resources are utilized effec-
            The USFR states written quotes are gen-                  tively and appropriately. Procurement pro-
            erally needed when cumulative purchas-                   fessionals must ensure proper monitoring
            es fall below the $100,000 bid threshold.                takes place from utilization of the contract,
            But what if  you  use  a cooperative con-                to invoice payments, staffing, renewals and
            tract? Are there other compliant procure-                most  importantly  the  quality  of  services
            ment  options?  This session  will explore               provided by the vendor. Ensure your district
            the various methods to make these infor-                 and your vendor are held contractually ac-
            mal purchases. You will come away with                   countable for the terms and conditions out-
            various best practices to make these pur-                lined in the procurement. Participants will
            chases effective and efficient and make                  receive practical monitoring approaches to
            all your procurement dreams come true!                   take back to their district.

            Presented by: Cheryl Burt - Buckeye                      Presented by: Dale Ponder & Mercedes
            Elementary School District &                             Villafaña - Crane School District
            Alejandra Rios - Maricopa Unified School
            District                                                 404: Due Diligence:
                                                                     A Vendor’s Perspective

                                                                     Everything you always wanted to know about

            403: State Cooperative                                   why school districts must perform due dili-
                                                                     gence on your cooperative contract!  What
            Contracts: A Panel Discussion                            exactly is due diligence and why should you

                                                                     care?  This session will include a discussion
            The State Procurement Office’s Contract                  of the school district’s requirement to have
            Managers and Co-op Team will be answer-                  a written determination providing the ratio-
            ing panel discussion questions regarding                 nale and justification for selection of a con-
            State Contracts/Cooperative Purchasing,                  tractor.  This session is a must for vendors
            along with answering audience member                     with a cooperative  contract  or  those  who
            questions.                                               aspire to gain this coveted procurement ve-

            Presented by: Carter Marshall,

            Amber Holmes, Cyndi Hawk &                               Presented by: Bill Munch - Valley Schools,
            Kerry Wells - State Procurement Office                   & Gary Barkman - Mesa Public Schools,
                                                                     Ken Carter - 1GPA, Nancy Burns - Equalis
                                                                     Group & Nancy Colbaugh - Mohave Edu.
                                                                     Services Coop. Inc. & Rob Fiorilli - OMNIA

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