Page 8 - Vendor Buyer Conference Brochure 2022
P. 8

3:05 PM - 4:00 PM

                       Vendor Q and A

                      Happy Hour Wrap-Up

               No libations, but  vendors are  invit-
               ed to stick around and conclude the
               day with an opportunity  to  informal-
               ly meet with our expert panel.   Ask
               about your AASBO membership ben-
               efits, questions about what you heard
               at the conference or just any general

               contract and procurement questions
               so that  we can help put you  on the
               right roadway!  You don’t want to miss
               out on this rare opportunity.  Procure-
               ment folk are also encouraged to at-


                                                                       Bill Munch - Valley Schools


                                                                 Gary Barkman - Mesa Public Schools

                                                                  Roger Spivey - Litchfield Elementary
                                                                                School District

                                                                        Jeff Thomason - Roosevelt
                                                                        Elementary School District

                                                                Taylor Perkins - Chasse Building Team

                                                                       Nancy Burns - Equalis Group

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