Page 5 - Vendor Buyer Conference Brochure 2022
P. 5


                 11:05 AM - 11:55 AM
                                                                     202: From Start to Finish:

           201: Construction Components                              How to Conduct an RFI!

                                                                      Do you  ever  question  whether  to do  an
            Construction  Components  required  in                    IFB or  an  RFP? Do  you  ever  have  con-
            your IFB’s, CMAR’s and JOC’s. This ses-                   cerns that your end users and you may
            sion will cover items like Bid Bonds, Per-                not have the expertise needed to devel-
            formance and Payment Bonds, what they                     op the scope of work and specifications
            are and when you need them as well as                     in a solicitation? Do  you  have  a way to

            TPT/Prime or MRRA tax.                                    seek help when this happens? Learn how
                                                                      to create a new tool for the toolbox! It’s
                                                                      not the final answer but the RFI process
            Presented  by:  Karen  Fleetwood  -  Mesa                 can at least send you on your way to help
            Public Schools, KC Brackley - The                         develop a solicitation for a commodity or
            Professional Group Public Consulting Inc.                 service, if you navigate correctly and doc-
            & Susan Doody - Attorney                                  ument along the way!

                                                                      Presented by: Rebecca Seifert - 1GPA   &

                                                                      Gary Barkman - Mesa Public Schools

            203: Cooperative Purchasing
            Best Practices for Joining a                             204: What You Should Know
            New Co-Op!                                               About Doing Business With

             Cooperative Purchasing  has many ben-                   School Districts
             efits if done correctly. How do you know
             which cooperative  to join or  should  you              Vendors will gain a working knowledge of
             join all of them? This class will cover the             the laws, rules and processes required to
             basic information for joining a purchasing              effectively work with Arizona’s school dis-
             cooperative,  including the  review of  co-             trict ever-changing procurement require-
             op agreements, due diligence to be done                 ments.  Hear what hoops school district
             before you sign up, board approval, and                 have to jump through in order to use your
             maintaining  successful  cooperative pur-               products or services.  Gain a competitive
             chasing relationships.                                  edge, information is power.

             Presented  by:  Cindi Hostetler  -  Tempe               Presented by: Lynne Ford - Yuma Union

             Union High School District, Patty Northey               High School District, Claudia Leon &
             - Mesa Public Schools                                   Ken Carter - 1GPA


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