Page 6 - Vendor Buyer Conference Brochure 2022
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                 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM                                   302: Technology in

                                                                     Procurement-Are you
                                                                     Maximizing the benefits of

            301: Federal Procurement                                 E-procurement?
                                                                     This  session  will explore  best  practices
            Review of Uniform Guidance for Federal                   in  issuing  and receiving  on-line solicita-
            Procurement  requirements;  compliance                   tions regardless of the platform you use.
            with Cooperative Contracts.                              Discover the triumphs and the pitfalls to
                                                                     avoid.  Bring your questions!
            Presented by: Aaron Vix - CPA, CFE,
            Michelle Myers & Michael Vaughn -                        Presented  by:  Cindi Hostetler  -  Tempe
            Peoria Unified School District                           Union High School District,

                                                                     Michelle Hamilton - Mesa Public Schools
                                                                     & Diana Kerfoot - Tucson Unified School

                                                                     304: Procurement 101 for
                                                                     Vendors: Purchases Under
            303: How to Use State                                    Quotes,  quotes  and  more  quotes.   What
            Cooperative Contracts                                    procurement  options  do  school  districts

            Finding cooperative contracts and deter-                 have for  purchases  under  $100K?   This
            mining whether their available to your or-               session will give vendors a foundation of
            ganization can be a challenge at times.                  understanding for the rules under the for-
            The State of Arizona’s Cooperative Team                  mal bid threshold of $100K.  Get in the fast
            will discuss an overview of their internal               lane to understanding basic requirements
            process,  and  discuss  best  practices  for             for these purchases.
            finding and using State Contracts.
                                                                     Presented by: Bill Munch - Valley Schools,

            Presented by: Carter Marshall &                          Laura Szymanoski - Deer Valley Unified
            Amber Holmes - State Procurement                         School District, Roger Spivey - Litchfield
            Office                                                   Elementary School District &
                                                                     Kathy Bowers - Florence Unified School

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