Page 4 - Vendor Buyer Conference Brochure 2022
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DESCRIPTIONS                                       102: Developing the

                 10:10 AM - 11:00 AM                                Procurement Road Map - Your
                                                                    Annual Procurement Plan

            101: Ask the Auditor General                              Today’s school procurement officials are
                                                                      consistently pulled on a daily and week-
             This session is a Q & A to allow school                  ly basis to address the “urgent” need of
             district procurement personnel to submit                 the  moment.  Often  times,  this leads  to
             their questions in advance of the confer-                not developing an annual or more impor-
             ence.  This process will allow the Auditor               tantly a 2-3 year procurement plan. What
             General to have time to prepare respons-                 are the minimum things you should con-
             es that will answer questions to keep pro-               sider in your plan and for your out years.
             curement officials on the right track.                   The difference  between  strategic and
                                                                      tactical goals for your procurement team.

             Presented by: Cindi Hostetler -                          This presentation will give you the frame-
                                                                      work for putting that annual plan together
             Tempe Union High School District,                        with a minimum additional two year look
             Megan Smith & Paula Gustafson -                          ahead.
             Arizona Auditor General
                                                                      Presented by: Mark Kinsey &
                                                                      Lauren Furphy - Marana Unified School

            103: From Start to Finish,

            How to Do Due Diligence in
            Detail!                                                  104: Your Brand Needs a PLAN

             Everyone has there own interpretation of                 This session provides a clear path to mar-
             due diligence but how do you perform the                 keting success  for  both  school  districts
             process?                                                 and vendors alike. Nicole will share the
             Learn one way of verifying that contracts                latest  tools and  resources  to help you
             either  pass or  fail in  Arizona.  There’s  a           identify your brand’s strengths, establish
             plethora of different steps to take when                 clear standards, and crush engagement
             working through due diligence but let us                 goals by putting your ideas to action with
             help you to understand the process and                   a marketing plan. There are 10 key areas
             you decide for yourself if it’s something                your  plan should  focus on* (hint-social
             that can work for your agency/district.                  media  as  a  whole  is only  one  of  them)
                                                                      so attend this session to strengthen your
                                                                      brand with a marketing plan!
             Presented by: Cheryl Burt - Buckeye
             Elementary School District &                             Presented by: Nicole Rodriguez - John
             Gary Barkman - Mesa Public Schools                       Delano Marketing & Bill Stiteler -
                                                                      Mountain Institute CTED

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